Monday, August 13, 2007


॥ मन्त्रपुष्पम् ॥
|| mantrapuṣpam ||


योऽपां पुष्पं वेद । पुष्पवान् प्रजावान् पशुमान् भवति ।
चन्द्रमा वा अपां पुष्पम् । पुष्पवान् प्रजावान् पशुमान् भवति ।
य एवं वेद । योऽपामायतनं वेद । आयतनवान् भवति ॥ १ ॥

yo'pāṁ puṣpaṁ veda | puṣpavān prajāvān paśumān bhavati |
candramā vā apāṁ puṣpam | puṣpavān prajāvān paśumān bhavati |
ya evaṁ veda | yo'pāmāyatanaṁ veda | āyatanavān bhavati || 1 ||

That one who knows the flowers of Water, he becomes the possessor of flowers, cattle and progeny. Moon is the flower of the Water. He who knows it to be so, he becomes the possessor of cattle and progeny.

अग्निर्वा अपामायतनम् । आयतनवान् भवति ।
योऽग्नेरायतनं वेद । आयतनवान् भवति ।
आपो वा अग्नेरायतनम् । आयतनवान् भवति ।
य एवं वेद । योऽपामायतनं वेद । आयतनवान् भवति ॥ २ ॥

agnirvā apāmāyatanam | āyatanavān bhavati |
yo'gnerāyatanaṁ veda | āyatanavān bhavati |
āpo vā agnerāyatanam | āyatanavān bhavati |
ya evaṁ veda | yo'pāmāyatanaṁ veda | āyatanavān bhavati || 2 ||

That one who knows the source of the Water, he becomes established in his Self. Fire is the source of Water. He who knows the source of Fire, he becomes established in his Self. Water is the source of Fire. He who knows it to be so, he becomes established in his Self.

वायुर्वा अपामायतनम् । आयतनवान् भवति ।
यो वायोरायतनं वेद । आयतनवान् भवति ।
आपो वै वायोरायतनम् । आयतनवान् भवति ।
य एवं वेद । योऽपामयतनं वेद । आयतनवान् भवति ॥ ३ ॥

vāyurvā apāmāyatanam | āyatanavān bhavati |
yo vāyorāyatanaṁ veda | āyatanavān bhavati |
āpo vai vāyorāyatanam | āyatanavān bhavati |
ya evaṁ veda | yo'pāmayatanaṁ veda | āyatanavān bhavati || 3 ||

That one who knows the source of the Water, he becomes established in his Self. Air is the source of Water. He who knows the source of Air, he becomes established in his Self. Water is the source of Air. He who knows it to be so, he becomes established in his Self.

असौ वै तपन्नपामायतनम् । आयतनवान् भवति ।
योऽमुष्य तपत आयतनं वेद । आयतनवान् भवति ।
आपो वा अमुष्य तपत आयतनम् । आयतनवान् भवति ।
य एवं वेद । योऽपामयतनं वेद । आयतनवान् भवति ॥ ४ ॥

asau vai tapannapāmāyatanam | āyatanavān bhavati |
yo'muṣya tapata āyatanaṁ veda | āyatanavān bhavati |
āpo vā amuṣya tapata āyatanam | āyatanavān bhavati |
ya evaṁ veda | yo'pāmayatanaṁ veda | āyatanavān bhavati || 4 ||

That one who knows the source of the Water, he becomes established in his Self. The Scorching Sun is the source of Water. He who knows the source of the Scorching Sun, he becomes established in his Self. Water is the source of the Scorching Sun. He who knows it to be so, he becomes established in his Self.

चन्द्रमा वा अपामायतनम् । आयतनवान् भवति ।
यश्चन्द्रमस आयतनं वेद । आयतनवान् भवति ।
आपो वै चन्द्रमस आयतनम् । आयतनवान् भवति ।
य एवं वेद । योऽपामयतनं वेद । आयतनवान् भवति ॥ ५ ॥

candramā vā apāmāyatanam | āyatanavān bhavati |
yaścandramasa āyatanaṁ veda | āyatanavān bhavati |
āpo vai candramasa āyatanam | āyatanavān bhavati |
ya evaṁ veda | yo'pāmayatanaṁ veda | āyatanavān bhavati || 5 ||

That one who knows the source of the Water, he becomes established in his Self. Moon is the source of Water. He who knows the source of Moon, he becomes established in his Self. Water is the source of Moon. He who knows it to be so, he becomes established in his Self.

नक्षत्राणि वा अपामायतनम् । आयतनवान् भवति ।
यो नक्षत्राणामायतनं वेद । आयतनवान् भवति ।
आपो वै नक्षत्राणामायतनम् । आयतनवान् भवति ।
य एवं वेद । योऽपामयतनं वेद । आयतनवान् भवति ॥ ६ ॥

nakṣatrāṇi vā apāmāyatanam | āyatanavān bhavati |
yo nakṣatrāṇāmāyatanaṁ veda | āyatanavān bhavati |
āpo vai nakṣatrāṇāmāyatanam | āyatanavān bhavati |
ya evaṁ veda | yo'pāmayatanaṁ veda | āyatanavān bhavati || 6 ||

That one who knows the source of the Water, he becomes established in his Self. The Stars is the source of Water. He who knows the source of the Stars, he becomes established in his Self. Water is the source of the Stars. He who knows it to be so, he becomes established in his Self.

पर्जन्यो वा अपामायतनम् । आयतनवान् भवति ।
यः पर्जन्यस्यायतनं वेद । आयतनवान् भवति ।
आपो वै पर्जन्यस्याऽऽयतनम् । आयतनवान् भवति ।
य एवं वेद । योऽपामयतनं वेद । आयतनवान् भवति ॥ ७ ॥

parjanyo vā apāmāyatanam | āyatanavān bhavati |
yaḥ parjanyasyāyatanaṁ veda | āyatanavān bhavati |
āpo vai parjanyasyā''yatanam | āyatanavān bhavati |
ya evaṁ veda | yo'pāmayatanaṁ veda | āyatanavān bhavati || 7 ||

That one who knows the source of the Water, he becomes established in his Self. Clouds are the source of Water. He who knows the source of the Clouds, he becomes established in his Self. Water is the source of the Clouds. He who knows it to be so, he becomes established in his Self.

संवत्सरो वा अपामायतनम् । आयतनवान् भवति ।
यस्संवत्सरस्यायतनं वेद । आयतनवान् भवति ।
आपो वै संवत्सरस्यायतनम् । आयतनवान् भवति ।
य एवं वेद । योऽप्सु नावं प्रतिष्ठितां वेद । प्रत्येव तिष्ठति ॥ ८ ॥

saṁvatsaro vā apāmāyatanam | āyatanavān bhavati |
yassaṁvatsarasyāyatanaṁ veda | āyatanavān bhavati |
āpo vai saṁvatsarasyāyatanam | āyatanavān bhavati |
ya evaṁ veda | yo'psu nāvaṁ pratiṣṭhitāṁ veda | pratyeva tiṣṭhati || 8 ||

That one who knows the source of the Water, he becomes established in his Self. Rainy Season is the source of Water. He who knows the source of Rainy Season, he becomes established in his Self. Water is the source of Rainy Season (Samvatsaras). He who knows it to be so, he becomes established in his Self.

He who knows the raft that is established in the Water, he becomes established in that itself. (This paragraph has got a hidden meaning – this is to say that there is a raft available to cross over all the forces of Nature and to see the God beyond all of them – God himself is the raft – we have to seek His help to see Him. We need to understand that He, indeed is the raft).

mantrapuṣpam with Vedic svara/accents:

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