|| saundaryalaharī ||
written by śrī ādi śaṅkarācārya
Translated by: P.R.Ramachander, Bangalore.
(With minor edits by A Swami)
Source of translation: http://www.geocities.com/ramya475/SoundaryaLahari.htm
Saundaryalaharī consists of two parts viz., ānandalaharī, meaning waves of bliss (first 41 stanzas), and saundaryalaharī, meaning waves of beauty (the next 59 stanzas). It is believed that Lord Gaṇeśa himself has etched the ānandalaharī on Mount Meru (some people believe that Sage Puṣpadanta did the etching). It was read from there by Sage Gauḍapāda, who taught it to śrī ādi śaṅkara. ādi śaṅkara himself added 59 stanzas and completed it.
|| ānandalaharī ||
शिवः शक्त्या युक्तो यदि भवति शक्तः प्रभवितुं
न चेदेवं देवो न खलु कुशलः स्पन्दितुमपि ।
अतस्त्वामाराध्यां हरिहरविरिञ्चादिभिरपि
प्रणन्तुं स्तोतुं वा कथमकृतपुण्यः प्रभवति ॥ १ ॥
śivaḥ śaktyā yukto yadi bhavati śaktaḥ prabhavituṁ
na cedevaṁ devo na khalu kuśalaḥ spanditumapi |
atastvāmārādhyāṁ hariharaviriñcādibhirapi
praṇantuṁ stotuṁ vā kathamakṛtapuṇyaḥ prabhavati || 1 ||
Lord śiva, only becomes able,
To do creation in this world,
along with śaktī.
Without her,
Even an inch he cannot move,
And so how can, one who does not do good deeds,
Or one who does not sing your praise,
Become adequate to worship you
Oh , Goddess mine,
Who is worshipped by the Trinity.
तनीयांसं पांसुं तव चरणपङ्केरुहभवं
विरिञ्चिस्सञ्चिन्वन् विरचयति लोकानविकलम् ।
बहत्येनं शौरिः कथमपि सहस्रेण शिरसां
हरस्संक्षुद्यैनं भजति भसितोद्धूलनविधिम् ॥ २ ॥
tanīyāṁsaṁ pāṁsuṁ tava caraṇapaṅkeruhabhavaṁ
viriñcissañcinvan viracayati lokānavikalam |
bahatyenaṁ śauriḥ kathamapi sahasreṇa śirasāṁ
harassaṁkṣudyainaṁ bhajati bhasitoddhūlanavidhim || 2 ||
Lord Brahma, the creator of yore,
Selects a mote dust from your feet,
And creates he this world,
The great ādiśeṣa with his thousand heads,
Some how carries dust of your feet,
With effort great,
And the great Lord Rudra,
Takes it and powders it nice,
And uses it as the holy ash.
जडानां चैतन्यस्तबकमकरन्दस्रुतिझरी ।
दरिद्राणां चिन्तामणिगुणनिका जन्मजलधौ
निमग्नानां दंष्ट्रा मुररिपुवराहस्य भवती ॥ ३ ॥
jaḍānāṁ caitanyastabakamakarandasrutijharī |
daridrāṇāṁ cintāmaṇiguṇanikā janmajaladhau
nimagnānāṁ daṁṣṭrā muraripuvarāhasya bhavatī || 3 ||
The dust under your feet, Oh Goddess great,
Is like the city of the rising sun,
That removes all darkness and misfortune,
From the mind of the poor ignorant one;
Is like the honey that flows,
From the flower bunch of vital action,
To the slow-witted one;
Is like the heap of wish-giving gems,
To the poorest of men;
And is like the teeth of Lord Viṣṇu
In the form of Varāha,
Who brought Mother Earth to the surface,
To those drowned in this sea of birth.
त्वदन्यः पाणिभ्यामभयवरदो दैवतगणः
त्वमेका नैवासि प्रकटितवराभीत्यभिनया ।
भयात् त्रातुं दातुं फलमपि च वाञ्छासमधिकं
शरण्ये लोकानां तव हि चरणावेव निपुणौ ॥ ४ ॥
tvadanyaḥ pāṇibhyāmabhayavarado daivatagaṇaḥ
tvamekā naivāsi prakaṭitavarābhītyabhinayā |
bhayāt trātuṁ dātuṁ phalamapi ca vāñchāsamadhikaṁ
śaraṇye lokānāṁ tava hi caraṇāveva nipuṇau || 4 ||
Oh, She who is the refuge to all this world,
All gods except you mother,
Give refuge and grants wishes,
Only by their hand.
But only you mother
Never show the world in detail,
The boons and refuge that you can give,
For even your holy feet will suffice,
To remove fear forever,
And grant boons much more than asked.
हरिस्त्वामाराध्य प्रणतजनसौभाग्यजननीं
पुरा नारी भूत्वा पुररिपुमपि क्षोभमनयत् ।
स्मरोऽपि त्वां नत्वा रतिनयनलेह्येन वपुषा
मुनीनामप्यन्तः प्रभवति हि मोहाय महताम् ॥ ५ ॥
haristvāmārādhya praṇatajanasaubhāgyajananīṁ
purā nārī bhūtvā puraripumapi kṣobhamanayat |
smaro'pi tvāṁ natvā ratinayanalehyena vapuṣā
munīnāmapyantaḥ prabhavati hi mohāya mahatām || 5 ||
You who grant all the good things,
To those who bow at your feet,
Was worshipped by the Lord Viṣṇu,
Who took the pretty lovable feminine form,
And could move the mind of he who burnt the cities,
And make him fall in love with him.
And the God of love, Manmatha,
Took the form which is like nectar,
Drunk through the eyes by Rathi his wife,
After venerating you,
Was able to create passion ,
Even in the mind of the great sages.
धनुः पौष्पं मौर्वी मधुकरमयी पञ्च विशिखाः
वसन्तः सामन्तो मलयमरुदायोधनरथः ।
तथाप्येकाः सर्वं हिमगिरिसुते कामपि कृपाम्
अपाङ्गात्ते लब्ध्वा जगदिदमनङ्गो विजयते ॥ ६ ॥
dhanuḥ pauṣpaṁ maurvī madhukaramayī pañca viśikhāḥ
vasantaḥ sāmanto malayamarudāyodhanarathaḥ |
tathāpyekāḥ sarvaṁ himagirisute kāmapi kṛpām
apāṅgātte labdhvā jagadidamanaṅgo vijayate || 6 ||
Oh, daughter of the mountain of ice,
With a bow made of flowers,
Bow string made of honey bees,
Five arrows made of only tender flowers,
With Spring as his minister,
And riding on the chariot of breeze from the Malaya mountains
The god of love who does not have a body,
Gets the sideways glance of your holy eyes,
And is able to win all the world alone.
क्वणत्काञ्चीदामा करिकलभकुम्भस्तननता
परिक्षीणा मध्ये परिणतशरच्चन्द्रवदना ।
धनुर्बाणान् पाशं सृणिमपि दधाना करतलैः
पुरस्तादास्तां नः पुरमथितुराहोपुरुषिका ॥ ७ ॥
kvaṇatkāñcīdāmā karikalabhakumbhastananatā
parikṣīṇā madhye pariṇataśaraccandravadanā |
dhanurbāṇān pāśaṁ sṛṇimapi dadhānā karatalaiḥ
purastādāstāṁ naḥ puramathiturāhopuruṣikā || 7 ||
With a golden belt,
Adorned by tiny tingling bells,
Slightly bent by breasts like the two frontal lobes
Of an elephant fine,
With a thin pretty form,
And with a face like the autumn moon,
Holding in her hands,
A bow of sugar cane , arrows made of flowers,
And the noose and goad,
She who has the wonderful form,
Of the ego of the God who burnt the three cities,
Should please come and appear before us.
सुधासिन्धोर्मध्ये सुरविटपिवाटीपरिवृते
मणिद्वीपे नीपोपवनवति चिन्तामणिगृहे ।
शिवाकारे मञ्चे परमशिवपर्यङ्कनिलयां
भजन्ति त्वां धन्याः कतिचन चिदानन्दलहरीम् ॥ ८ ॥
sudhāsindhormadhye suraviṭapivāṭīparivṛte
maṇidvīpe nīpopavanavati cintāmaṇigṛhe |
śivākāre mañce paramaśivaparyaṅkanilayāṁ
bhajanti tvāṁ dhanyāḥ katicana cidānandalaharīm || 8 ||
In the middle of the sea of nectar,
In the isle of precious gems,
Which is surrounded by wish giving Kalpaga trees,
In the garden Kadamba trees,
In the house of the gem of thought,
On the all holy seat of the lap of the great God śiva,
Sits she who is like a tide
In the sea of bliss of Ultimate Truth,
And is worshipped by only a few select holy men.
महीं मूलाधारे कमपि मणिपूरे हुतवहं
स्थितं स्वाधिष्ठाने हृदि मरुतमाकाशमुपरि ।
मनोऽपि भ्रूमध्ये सकलमपि भित्वा कुलपथं
सहस्रारे पद्मे सह रहसि पत्या विहरसे ॥ ९ ॥
mahīṁ mūlādhāre kamapi maṇipūre hutavahaṁ
sthitaṁ svādhiṣṭhāne hṛdi marutamākāśamupari |
mano'pi bhrūmadhye sakalamapi bhitvā kulapathaṁ
sahasrāre padme saha rahasi patyā viharase || 9 ||
Oh Goddess mine,
You live in seclusion with your consort,
In the lotus with thousand petals (sahasrāra),
Reached after breaking through the micro ways,
Of the power of earth in mūlādhāra,
Of the power of water of maṇipūra,
Of the power of fire of svādhiṣṭhāna,
Of the power of air in the heart,
And of the power of ether in between the eye-brows.
प्रपञ्चं सिञ्चन्ती पुनरपि रसाम्नायमहसः ।
अवाप्य स्वां भूमिं भुजगनिभमध्युष्टवलयं
स्वमात्मानं कृत्वा स्वपिषि कुलकुण्डे कुहरिणि ॥ १० ॥
prapañcaṁ siñcantī punarapi rasāmnāyamahasaḥ |
avāpya svāṁ bhūmiṁ bhujaganibhamadhyuṣṭavalayaṁ
svamātmānaṁ kṛtvā svapiṣi kulakuṇḍe kuhariṇi || 10 ||
Using the nectar that flows in between your feet,
To drench all the nerves of the body,
And descending from the moon with nectar like rays,
Reaching back to your place,
And coiling your body in to a ring like serpant,
You sleep in the kulakuṇḍa, with a hole in the middle.
चतुर्भिः श्रीकण्ठैः शिवयुवतिभिः पञ्चभिरपि
प्रभिन्नाभिः शम्भोर्नवभिरपि मूलप्रकृतिभिः ।
त्रिरेखाभिः सार्धं तव शरणकोणाः परिणताः ॥ ११ ॥
caturbhiḥ śrīkaṇṭhaiḥ śivayuvatibhiḥ pañcabhirapi
prabhinnābhiḥ śambhornavabhirapi mūlaprakṛtibhiḥ |
trirekhābhiḥ sārdhaṁ tava śaraṇakoṇāḥ pariṇatāḥ || 11 ||
With four wheels of our Lord śiva,
And with five different wheels of you, my mother,
Which are the real basis of this world,
Your house of the holy wheel,
Has four different parts,
Of eight and sixteen petals,
Three different circles,
And three different lines,
Making a total of forty four angles.
त्वदीयं सौन्दर्यं तुहिनगिरिकन्ये तुलयितुं
कवीन्द्राः कल्पन्ते कथमपि विरिञ्चिप्रभृतयः ।
यदालोकौत्सुक्यादमरललना यान्ति मनसा
तपोभिर्दुष्प्रापामपि गिरिशसायुज्यपदवीम् ॥ १२ ॥
tvadīyaṁ saundaryaṁ tuhinagirikanye tulayituṁ
kavīndrāḥ kalpante kathamapi viriñciprabhṛtayaḥ |
yadālokautsukyādamaralalanā yānti manasā
tapobhirduṣprāpāmapi giriśasāyujyapadavīm || 12 ||
Oh, daughter of ice mountain,
Even the creator who leads ,
An array of great poets,
Fails to describe your sublime beauty.
The heavenly maidens pretty,
With a wish to see your pristine loveliness,
Try to see you through the eyes your Lord, the great śiva,
And do penance to him and reach him through their mind.
नरं वर्षीयांसं नयनविरसं नर्मसु जडं
तवापाङ्गालोके पतितमनुधावन्ति शतशः ।
गलद्वेणीबन्धाः कुचकलशविस्रस्तसिचया
हठात त्रुट्यत्काञ्च्यो विगलितदुकूला युवतयः ॥ १३ ॥
naraṁ varṣīyāṁsaṁ nayanavirasaṁ narmasu jaḍaṁ
tavāpāṅgāloke patitamanudhāvanti śataśaḥ |
galadveṇībandhāḥ kucakalaśavisrastasicayā
haṭhāta truṭyatkāñcyo vigalitadukūlā yuvatayaḥ || 13 ||
With disheveled hair,
With upper cloths slipping from their breasts,
With the lock of the golden belt getting open due to the haste,
And with saris slipping away from their shoulders,
Hundreds of young women,
Run after the men,
Who get your sidelong glance,
Even though they are very old,
Bad looking and not interested in love sports.
क्षितौ षट्पञ्चाशद द्विसमधिकपञ्चाशदुदके
हुताशे द्वाषष्टिश्चतुरधिकपञ्चाशदनिले ।
दिवि द्विष्षट्त्रिंशन्मनसि च चतुष्षष्टिरिति ये
मयूखास्तेषामप्युपरि तव पादाम्बुजयुगम् ॥ १४ ॥
kṣitau ṣaṭpañcāśada dvisamadhikapañcāśadudake
hutāśe dvāṣaṣṭiścaturadhikapañcāśadanile |
divi dviṣṣaṭtriṁśanmanasi ca catuṣṣaṣṭiriti ye
mayūkhāsteṣāmapyupari tava pādāmbujayugam || 14 ||
Your two holy feet are far above,
The fifty six rays of the essence of earth of mūlādhāra,
The fifty two rays of the essence of water of maṇipūraka,
The sixty two rays of the essence of fire of svādhiṣṭhāna,
The fifty four rays of the essence of air of anāhata,
The seventy two rays of the essence of ether of viśuddhi,
And the sixty four rays of the essence of mind of ājñā chakra.
शरज्ज्योत्स्नाशुद्धां शशियुतजटाजूटमुकुटां
वरत्रासत्राणस्फटिकधुटिकापुस्तककराम् ।
सकृन्नत्वां नत्वा कथमिव सतां संन्निदधते
मधुक्षीरद्राक्षामधुरिमधुरीणाः कणितयः ॥ १५ ॥
śarajjyotsnāśuddhāṁ śaśiyutajaṭājūṭamukuṭāṁ
varatrāsatrāṇasphaṭikadhuṭikāpustakakarām |
sakṛnnatvāṁ natvā kathamiva satāṁ saṁnnidadhate
madhukṣīradrākṣāmadhurimadhurīṇāḥ kaṇitayaḥ || 15 ||
Sweetest words rivaling the honey, milk and grapes,
Can only come to the thoughts of the devotee,
Who once meditates on your face,
Which is like the white autumn moon,
On your head, a crown with the crescent moon and flowing hair,
And hands that shower boons and give protection,
Which hold the string of crystal beads and books.
कवीन्द्राणां चेतःकमलवनबालातपरुचिं
भजन्ते ये सन्तः कतिचिदरुणामेव भवतीम् ।
गभीराभिर्वाग्भिर्विदधति सतांरञ्जनममी ॥ १६ ॥
kavīndrāṇāṁ cetaḥkamalavanabālātaparuciṁ
bhajante ye santaḥ katicidaruṇāmeva bhavatīm |
gabhīrābhirvāgbhirvidadhati satāṁrañjanamamī || 16 ||
She, who is the purple luster of the dawn,
To the lotus forest like mind,
Of the kings of poets of the world,
And thus called Aruṇā-the purple coloured one,
Creates happiness in the mind of the holy,
With tender passionate wave of words ,
Of Sarasvatī, the darling of Brahma,
Which are royal and youthful.
सवित्रीभिर्वाचां शशिमणिशिलाभङ्गरुचिभिः
वशिन्याद्याभिस्त्वां सह जननि संचिन्तयति यः ।
स कर्ता काव्यानां भवति महतां भङ्गिरुचिभिः
वचोभिर्वाग्देवीवदनकमलामोदमधुरैः ॥ १७ ॥
savitrībhirvācāṁ śaśimaṇiśilābhaṅgarucibhiḥ
vaśinyādyābhistvāṁ saha janani saṁcintayati yaḥ |
sa kartā kāvyānāṁ bhavati mahatāṁ bhaṅgirucibhiḥ
vacobhirvāgdevīvadanakamalāmodamadhuraiḥ || 17 ||
Oh, mother holy,
He who worships you,
Along with the goddess like Vaśinī,
Who are the prime source of words,
And you who are having the great luster,
Got by breaking the moon stone,
Becomes the author of great epics,
Which shine like those written by great ones,
And which have the sweet scent
Of the face of the Goddess of Knowledge.
तनुच्छायाभिस्ते तरुणतरणिश्रीसरणिभिः
दिवं सर्वामुर्वीमरुणिमनिमग्नां स्मरति यः ।
भवन्त्यस्य त्रस्यद्वनहरिणशालीननयनाः
सहोर्वश्या वश्याः कति कति न गीराणगणिकाः ॥ १८ ॥
tanucchāyābhiste taruṇataraṇiśrīsaraṇibhiḥ
divaṁ sarvāmurvīmaruṇimanimagnāṁ smarati yaḥ |
bhavantyasya trasyadvanahariṇaśālīnanayanāḥ
sahorvaśyā vaśyāḥ kati kati na gīrāṇagaṇikāḥ || 18 ||
He who meditates on,
The luster of your beautiful body,
Which is blessed by the rising sun,
And which dissolves the sky and the world,
In light purple hue,
Makes celestial damsels like ūrvaśī and others,
Who have eyes like the wild startled deer,
Follow him like slaves.
मुखं बिन्दुं कृत्वा कुचयुगमधस्तस्य तदधो
हरार्धं ध्यायेद्योहरमहिषि ते मन्मथकलाम् ।
स सद्यः संक्षोभं नयति वनिता इत्यतिलघु
त्रिलोकीमप्याशु भ्रमयति रवीन्दुस्तनयुगां ॥ १९ ॥
mukhaṁ binduṁ kṛtvā kucayugamadhastasya tadadho
harārdhaṁ dhyāyedyoharamahiṣi te manmathakalām |
sa sadyaḥ saṁkṣobhaṁ nayati vanitā ityatilaghu
trilokīmapyāśu bhramayati ravīndustanayugāṁ || 19 ||
Hey, Mother who is Goddess of all universe,
He who meditates on you ,
As the crescent of love of our lord great,
On the dot of the holy wheel,
Your two breasts just below,
And you as the half of śiva our lord,
Not only creates waves of emotion in ladies,
But charms the world, which has moon and sun as breasts.
किरन्तीमङ्गेभ्यः किरणनिकुरम्बामृतरसं
हृदि त्वामाधत्ते हिमकरशिलामूर्तिमिव यः ।
स सर्पाणां दर्पं शमयति शकुन्ताधिप इव
ज्वरप्लुष्टान दृष्ट्या सुखयति सुधासारसिरया ॥ २० ॥
kirantīmaṅgebhyaḥ kiraṇanikurambāmṛtarasaṁ
hṛdi tvāmādhatte himakaraśilāmūrtimiva yaḥ |
sa sarpāṇāṁ darpaṁ śamayati śakuntādhipa iva
jvarapluṣṭāna dṛṣṭyā sukhayati sudhāsārasirayā || 20 ||
He who meditates in his mind,
On you who showers nectar from all your limbs,
And in the form which resembles,
The statue carved out of moonstone,
Can with a single stare,
Put an end to the pride of snakes,
And with his nectar like vision,
Cure those afflicted by fever.
तटिल्लेखातन्वीं तपनशशिवैश्वानरमयीं
निषण्णां षण्णामप्युपरि कमलानां तव कलाम् ।
महापद्माटव्यां मृदितमलमायेन मनसा
महान्तः पश्यन्तो दधति परमाह्लादलहरीम् ॥ २१ ॥
taṭillekhātanvīṁ tapanaśaśivaiśvānaramayīṁ
niṣaṇṇāṁ ṣaṇṇāmapyupari kamalānāṁ tava kalām |
mahāpadmāṭavyāṁ mṛditamalamāyena manasā
mahāntaḥ paśyanto dadhati paramāhlādalaharīm || 21 ||
Those souls great,
Who have removed all the dirt from the mind,
And meditate on you within their mind,
Who is of the form of sun and moon,
And living in the forest of lotus,
And also above the six wheels of lotus,
Enjoy waves after waves,
Of happiness supreme.
भवानि त्वं दासे मयि वितर दृष्टिं सकरुणा
मिति स्तोतुं वाञ्छन कथयति भवानि त्वमिति यः ।
तदैव त्वं तस्मै दिशसि निजसायुजपदवीं
मुकुन्दब्रह्मेन्द्रस्फुटमुकुटनीराजितपदाम् ॥ २२ ॥
bhavāni tvaṁ dāse mayi vitara dṛṣṭiṁ sakaruṇā
miti stotuṁ vāñchana kathayati bhavāni tvamiti yaḥ |
tadaiva tvaṁ tasmai diśasi nijasāyujapadavīṁ
mukundabrahmendrasphuṭamukuṭanīrājitapadām || 22 ||
If any one has wish in his mind to pray.
"Oh Bbhavāni, my mother,
Please shower on me, a part of your merciful look",
Even before he says, "Oh Bbhavāni",
You my goddess,
Would give to him the water,
Falling from the crowns ,
Of Viṣṇu, Rudra and Brahma,
At your feet,
And grant him, the eternal life in your world.
त्वया हृत्वा वामं वपुरपरितृप्तेन मनसा
शरीरार्धं शम्भोरपरमपि शङ्के हृतमभूत ।
यदेतत्त्वद्रूपं सकलमरुणाभं त्रिनयनं
कुचाभ्यामानम्रं कुटिलशशिचूडालमुकुटम् ॥ २३ ॥
tvayā hṛtvā vāmaṁ vapuraparitṛptena manasā
śarīrārdhaṁ śambhoraparamapi śaṅke hṛtamabhūta |
yadetattvadrūpaṁ sakalamaruṇābhaṁ trinayanaṁ
kucābhyāmānamraṁ kuṭilaśaśicūḍālamukuṭam || 23 ||
Your form in my mind,
Is the red colour of the rising sun,
Is adorned with three eyes,
Has two heavy breasts,
Is slightly bent,
And wears a crown with the crescent moon,
And hence arises a doubt in me,
That you were not satisfied ,
By half the body of śambhu that he gave,
And occupied all his body.
जगत्सूते धाता हरिरवति रुद्रः क्षपयते
तिरस्कुर्वन्नेतत्स्वमपि वपुरीशस्तिरयति ।
सदापूर्वः सर्वं तदिदमनुगृह्णाति च शिव
स्तवाज्ञामालम्ब्य क्षनचलितयोर्भ्रूलतिकयोः ॥ २४ ॥
jagatsūte dhātā hariravati rudraḥ kṣapayate
tiraskurvannetatsvamapi vapurīśastirayati |
sadāpūrvaḥ sarvaṁ tadidamanugṛhṇāti ca śiva
stavājñāmālambya kṣanacalitayorbhrūlatikayoḥ || 24 ||
Brahma creates the world,
Viṣṇu looks after it,
śiva destroys it,
īśvara makes them disappear,
And also disappears himself,
And Sadāśiva blesses them all,
By your order given to him,
By a momentary movement of your eyebrows.
त्रयाणां देवानां त्रिगुणजनितानान्तव शिवे
भवेत पूजा पूजा तव चरणयोर्या विरचिता ।
तथा हि त्वत्पादोद्वहनमणिपीठस्य निकटे
स्थिता ह्येते शश्वन मुकुलितकरोत्तंसमकुटाः ॥ २५ ॥
trayāṇāṁ devānāṁ triguṇajanitānāntava śive
bhaveta pūjā pūjā tava caraṇayoryā viracitā |
tathā hi tvatpādodvahanamaṇipīṭhasya nikaṭe
sthitā hyete śaśvana mukulitakarottaṁsamakuṭāḥ || 25 ||
Consort of śiva,
The worship done at the base of your feet,
Is the worship done to the holy Trinity,
Born based on your trine properties.
This is so true, oh mother,
Because don’t the trinity,
Always stand with folded hands,
Kept on their crown
Near the jeweled plank,
Which carries thine feet.
विरिञ्चिः पञ्चत्वं व्रजति हरिराप्नोति विरतिं
विनाशं कीनाशो भजति धनदो याति निधनम् ।
वितन्द्री माहेन्द्री विततिरपि संमीलति दृशां
महासंहारेऽस्मिन् विहरति सति त्वत्पतिरसौ ॥ २६ ॥
viriñciḥ pañcatvaṁ vrajati harirāpnoti viratiṁ
vināśaṁ kīnāśo bhajati dhanado yāti nidhanam |
vitandrī māhendrī vitatirapi saṁmīlati dṛśāṁ
mahāsaṁhāre'smin viharati sati tvatpatirasau || 26 ||
The creator reaches the dissolution,
The Viṣṇu attains death,
The god of death even dies,
Kubera the lord of wealth expires,
The Indras close their eyes one after one,
And attain the wakeless sleep,
During the final deluge,
But you my chaste mother,
Play with your consort the Sadāśiva.
जपो जल्पः शिल्पं सकलमपि मुद्राविरचना
गतिः प्रादक्षिण्यक्रमणमशनाद्याहुतिविधिः ।
सपर्यापर्यायस्तव भवतु यन्मे विलसितम् ॥ २७ ॥
japo jalpaḥ śilpaṁ sakalamapi mudrāviracanā
gatiḥ prādakṣiṇyakramaṇamaśanādyāhutividhiḥ |
saparyāparyāyastava bhavatu yanme vilasitam || 27 ||
Let the mutterings that I do,
With the sacrifice in my soul,
Become chanting of your name,
Let all my movements become thine mudras,
Let my travel become perambulations around thee,
Let the act of eating and drinking become fire sacrifice to thee,
Let my act of sleeping becomes salutations to you ,
And let all actions of pleasure of mine,
Become parts of thine worship.
सुधामप्यास्वाद्य प्रतिभयजरामृत्युहरिणीं
विपद्यन्ते विश्वे विधिशतमखाद्या दिविषदः ।
कराळं यत्क्ष्वेळं कबलितवतः कालकलना
न शम्भोस्तन्मूलं तव जननि ताटङ्कमहिमा ॥ २८ ॥
sudhāmapyāsvādya pratibhayajarāmṛtyuhariṇīṁ
vipadyante viśve vidhiśatamakhādyā diviṣadaḥ |
karāḻaṁ yatkṣveḻaṁ kabalitavataḥ kālakalanā
na śambhostanmūlaṁ tava janani tāṭaṅkamahimā || 28 ||
Oh, mother mine,
Gods like Indra and brahma,
Who have drunk deep the nectar divine,
Which removes the cruel aging and death,
Do die and disappear.
But śambhu thy consort,
Who swallowed poison that is potent,
Does never die,
Because of the greatness,
Of thine ear studs.
किरीटं वैरिञ्चं परिहर पुरः कैटभभिदः
कठोरे कोटीरे स्खलसि जहि जम्भारिमुकुटम् ।
प्रणम्रेष्वेतेषु प्रसभमुपयातस्य भवनं
भवस्याभ्युत्थाने तव परिजनोक्तिर्विजयते ॥ २९ ॥
kirīṭaṁ vairiñcaṁ parihara puraḥ kaiṭabhabhidaḥ
kaṭhore koṭīre skhalasi jahi jambhārimukuṭam |
praṇamreṣveteṣu prasabhamupayātasya bhavanaṁ
bhavasyābhyutthāne tava parijanoktirvijayate || 29 ||
Yours escorts divine,
Shout with concern at thee,
"Avoid the crown of Brahma,
You may hit your feet,
At the hard crown of Viṣṇu,
Who killed the demon Kaiṭabha,
Avoid the crown of Indra",
When you get up and rush in a hurry,
To receive thine lord who comes to your place.
निषेव्ये नित्ये त्वामिति सदा भावयति यः ।
किमाश्चर्यं तस्य त्रिनयनसमृद्धिं तृणयतो
महासंवर्ताग्निर्विरचयति निराजनविधिम् ॥ ३० ॥
niṣevye nitye tvāmiti sadā bhāvayati yaḥ |
kimāścaryaṁ tasya trinayanasamṛddhiṁ tṛṇayato
mahāsaṁvartāgnirviracayati nirājanavidhim || 30 ||
It is not surprising to know, Oh mother,
Who does not have birth and death,
And who is most suitable to be served,
That the destroying fire of the deluge,
Shows prayerful ārati to the one,
Who considers you,
(Who is of the form of rays,
And is surrounded on all four sides,
By the angels of power called aṇima,)
As his soul always,
And who considers the wealth of the three-eyed God,
As worthless and as equal to dried grass.
चतुष्षष्ट्या तन्त्रैः सकलमतिसंधाय भुवनं
स्थितस तत्तत्सिद्धिप्रसवपरतन्त्रैः पशुपतिः ।
स्वतन्त्रं ते तन्त्रं क्षितितलमवातीतरदिदम् ॥ ३१ ॥
catuṣṣaṣṭyā tantraiḥ sakalamatisaṁdhāya bhuvanaṁ
sthitasa tattatsiddhiprasavaparatantraiḥ paśupatiḥ |
svatantraṁ te tantraṁ kṣititalamavātītaradidam || 31 ||
The Lord of all souls, Paśupati,
Did create the sixty-four tantras,
Each leading to only one desired power,
And started his relaxation.
But you goaded him mother,
To create in this mortal world.
Your tantra called śrīvidyā,
Which grants the devotee,
All powers that give powers,
Over all the states in life.
शिवः शक्तिः कामः क्षितिरथ रविः शीतकिरणः
स्मरो हंसः शक्रस्तदनु च परामारहरयः ।
अमी हृल्लेखाभिस्तिसृभिरवसानेषु घटिता
भजन्ते वर्णास्ते तव जननि नामावयवताम् ॥ ३२ ॥
śivaḥ śaktiḥ kāmaḥ kṣitiratha raviḥ śītakiraṇaḥ
smaro haṁsaḥ śakrastadanu ca parāmāraharayaḥ |
amī hṛllekhābhistisṛbhiravasāneṣu ghaṭitā
bhajante varṇāste tava janani nāmāvayavatām || 32 ||
She who is mother of us all,
The seed letter "ka" of my lord śiva,
The seed letter "a" of goddess śakti,
The seed letter "ee" of the god of love,
The seed letter "la" of earth,
The seed letter "ha" of the sun god,
The seed letter "sa" of the moon with cool rays,
The seed letter "ka" of again the god of love,
The seed letter "ha" of the sky,
The seed letter "la" of Indra, the king of devas,
The seed letter "sa" of Para,
The seed letter "ka" of the God of love,
The seed letter "la" of the Lord Viṣṇu,
Along with your seed letters "hrīm",
Which joins at the end of each of the three holy wheels,
Become the holy word to worship you.
स्मरं योनिं लक्ष्मीं त्रितयमिदमादौ तव मनो
र्निधायैके नित्ये निरवधिमहाभोगरसिकाः ।
भजन्ति त्वां चिन्तामणिगुननिबद्धाक्षवलयाः
शिवाग्नौ जुहून्तः सुरभिघृतधाराहुतिशतैः ॥ ३३ ॥
smaraṁ yoniṁ lakṣmīṁ tritayamidamādau tava mano
rnidhāyaike nitye niravadhimahābhogarasikāḥ |
bhajanti tvāṁ cintāmaṇigunanibaddhākṣavalayāḥ
śivāgnau juhūntaḥ surabhighṛtadhārāhutiśataiḥ || 33 ||
Oh, mother who is ever present,
Those who realize the essence ,
Of the limitless pleasure of the soul you give,
And who add the seed letter "īm" of the god of love,
The seed letter "Hrīm" of the goddess Bhuvaneśvarī,
And the seed letter "śrīm" of the goddess Lakṣmī,
Which are the three letter triad,
Wear the garland of the gem of thoughts,
And offer oblations to the fire in triangle of Shiva,
With the pure scented ghee of the holy cow, kāmadhenu,
Several times and worship you.
शरीरं त्वं शम्भोः शशिमिहिरवक्षोरुहयुगं
तवात्मानं मन्ये भगवति नवात्मानमनघम् ।
स्थितः संबन्धो वां समरसपरानन्दपरयोः ॥ ३४ ॥
śarīraṁ tvaṁ śambhoḥ śaśimihiravakṣoruhayugaṁ
tavātmānaṁ manye bhagavati navātmānamanagham |
sthitaḥ saṁbandho vāṁ samarasaparānandaparayoḥ || 34 ||
Oh goddess supreme,
I always see in my mind's eye,
That your body with sun and moon,
As breasts is the body of Shiva,
And his peerless body with nine surrounding motes,
Is your body, my goddess.
And so the relation of, "that which has",
And, "he who has",
Becomes the one perfect relation of happiness,
And becomes equal in each of you.
मनस्त्वं व्योम त्वं मरुदसि मरुत्सारथिरसि
त्वमापस्त्वं भूमिस्त्वयि परिणतायां न हि परम् ।
त्वमेव स्वात्मानं परिणमयितुं विश्ववपुषा
चिदानन्दाकारं शिवयुवति भावेन बिभृषे ॥ ३५ ॥
manastvaṁ vyoma tvaṁ marudasi marutsārathirasi
tvamāpastvaṁ bhūmistvayi pariṇatāyāṁ na hi param |
tvameva svātmānaṁ pariṇamayituṁ viśvavapuṣā
cidānandākāraṁ śivayuvati bhāvena bibhṛṣe || 35 ||
Mind you are, Ether you are,
Air you are, Fire you are,
Water you are, Earth you are,
And you are the universe, mother,
There is nothing except you in the world,
But to make believe your form as the universe,
You take the role of wife of śiva,
And appear before us in the form of ethereal happiness.
तवाज्ञाचक्रस्थं तपनशशिकोटिद्युतिधरं
परं शम्भुं वन्दे परिमिलितपार्श्व परचिता ।
यमाराध्यन् भक्त्या रविशशिशुचीनामविषये
निरालोकेऽलोके निवसति हि भालोकभवने ॥ ३६ ॥
tavājñācakrasthaṁ tapanaśaśikoṭidyutidharaṁ
paraṁ śambhuṁ vande parimilitapārśva paracitā |
yamārādhyan bhaktyā raviśaśiśucīnāmaviṣaye
nirāloke'loke nivasati hi bhālokabhavane || 36 ||
The one who worships Paramśevara,
Who has the luster of billions of moon and sun
And who lives in thine ājñācakra, the holy wheel of order,
And is surrounded by thine two forms,
On both sides,
Would forever live,
In that world where rays of sun and moon do not enter,
But which has its own luster,
And which is beyond the sight of the eye,
But is different from the world we see.
विशुद्धौ ते शुद्धस्फटिकविशदं व्योमजनकं
शिवं सेवे देवीमपि शिवसमानव्यवसिताम् ।
ययोः कान्त्या यान्त्या शशिकिरणसारुप्यसरणिं
विधूतान्तर्ध्वान्ताविलसति चकोरीव जगति ॥ ३७ ॥
viśuddhau te śuddhasphaṭikaviśadaṁ vyomajanakaṁ
śivaṁ seve devīmapi śivasamānavyavasitām |
yayoḥ kāntyā yāntyā śaśikiraṇasārupyasaraṇiṁ
vidhūtāntardhvāntāvilasati cakorīva jagati || 37 ||
I bow before the śiva,
Who is of the pure crystal form,
In thine supremely pure wheel
And who creates the principle of ether,
And to you my mother,
Who has same stream of thought as Him.
I bow before you both,
Whose moon-like light,
Removes the darkness of ignorance,
Forever from the mind,
And which shines like the cakora bird ,
Playing in the full-moon light.
समुन्मीलत संवित कमलमकरन्दैकरसिकं
भजे हंसद्वन्द्वं किमपि महतां मानसचरम् ।
र्यद आदत्ते दोषाद गुणमखिलमद्भूयः पय इव ॥ ३८ ॥
samunmīlata saṁvita kamalamakarandaikarasikaṁ
bhaje haṁsadvandvaṁ kimapi mahatāṁ mānasacaram |
ryada ādatte doṣāda guṇamakhilamadbhūyaḥ paya iva || 38 ||
I pray before the swan couple,
Who only enjoy the honey ,
From the fully open,
Lotus flowers of knowledge,
And who swim in the lake ,
Which is the mind of great ones,
And also who can never be described.
From them come the eighteen arts,
And they differentiate the good from the bad,
Like the milk from water.
तव स्वाधिष्ठाने हुतवहमधिष्ठाय निरतं
तमीडे संवर्तं जननि महतीं तां च समयाम् ।
यदालोके लोकान दहति महति क्रोधकलिते
दयार्द्रा यद्दृष्टिः शिशिरमुपचारं रचयति ॥ ३९ ॥
tava svādhiṣṭhāne hutavahamadhiṣṭhāya nirataṁ
tamīḍe saṁvartaṁ janani mahatīṁ tāṁ ca samayām |
yadāloke lokāna dahati mahati krodhakalite
dayārdrā yaddṛṣṭiḥ śiśiramupacāraṁ racayati || 39 ||
Mother, I think and worship, of the fire,
In your holy wheel of svādhiṣṭhāna,
And the Rudra who shines in that fire,
Like the destroying fire of deluge,
And you who shine there as samaya.
When that angry fiery look of Rudra,
Burns the world,
Then your look drenches it in mercy,
Which heals and cools it down.
तटित्त्वन्तं शक्त्या तिमिरपरिपन्थिफुरणया
स्फुरन्नानारत्नाभरणपरिणद्धेन्द्रधनुषम् ।
तव श्यामं मेघं कमपि मणिपूरैकशरणं
निषेवे वर्षन्तं हरमिहिरतप्तं त्रिभुवनम् ॥ ४० ॥
taṭittvantaṁ śaktyā timiraparipanthiphuraṇayā
sphurannānāratnābharaṇapariṇaddhendradhanuṣam |
tava śyāmaṁ meghaṁ kamapi maṇipūraikaśaraṇaṁ
niṣeve varṣantaṁ haramihirataptaṁ tribhuvanam || 40 ||
I bow before that principle,
Which is in your wheel of maṇipūraka,
Which as Parāśakti shines like the enemy of darkness,
Which is with the streak of lightning,
Which is with the shining jewels of precious stones of lightning,
Which is also black as night,
Which is burnt by Rudra, like the sun of the deluge,
And which cools down the three worlds like a strange cloud.
तवाधारे मूले सह समयया लास्यपरया
नवात्मानं मन्ये नवरसमहाताण्डवनटम् ।
उभाभ्यामेताभ्यामुदयविधिमुद्दिश्य दयया
सनाथाभ्यां जज्ञे जनकजननीमज्जगदिदम् ॥ ४१ ॥
tavādhāre mūle saha samayayā lāsyaparayā
navātmānaṁ manye navarasamahātāṇḍavanaṭam |
ubhābhyāmetābhyāmudayavidhimuddiśya dayayā
sanāthābhyāṁ jajñe janakajananīmajjagadidam || 41 ||
I pray in your holy wheel of mūlādhāra,
You, who likes to dance,
And calls yourself as samaya (Time),
And that Lord who performs the great vigorous dance,
Which has all the shades of nine emotions.
This world has you both as parents,
Because you in your mercy, wed one another,
To recreate the world,
After the world was destroyed in the grand deluge.
|| saundaryalaharī ||
गतैर्माणिक्यत्वं गगनमणिभिः सान्द्रघटितं
किरीटं ते हैमं हिमगिरिसुते कीर्तयति यः ।
स नीडेयच्छायाच्छुरणशबलं चन्द्रशकलं
धनुः शौनासीरं किमिति न निबध्नाति धिषणाम् ॥ ४२ ॥
gatairmāṇikyatvaṁ gaganamaṇibhiḥ sāndraghaṭitaṁ
kirīṭaṁ te haimaṁ himagirisute kīrtayati yaḥ |
sa nīḍeyacchāyācchuraṇaśabalaṁ candraśakalaṁ
dhanuḥ śaunāsīraṁ kimiti na nibadhnāti dhiṣaṇām || 42 ||
Hey daughter of the ice mountain,
He who chooses to describe,
Your crown, bedecked with shining jewels,
Which are but the transformed form,
And arranged very close to one another,
Of the twelve holy suns,
Will see the crescent in your crown,
In the dazzling light of those jewels,
And think them as a rainbow,
Which is but the bow of Indra.
धुनोतु ध्वान्तं नस्तुलितदलितेन्दीवरवनं
घनस्रिग्धश्लक्ष्णं चिकुरनिकुरम्बं तव शिवे ।
यदीयं सौरभ्यं सहजमुपलब्धुं सुमनसे
वसन्त्यस्मिन मन्ये बलमथनवाटीविटपिनाम् ॥ ४३ ॥
dhunotu dhvāntaṁ nastulitadalitendīvaravanaṁ
ghanasrigdhaślakṣṇaṁ cikuranikurambaṁ tava śive |
yadīyaṁ saurabhyaṁ sahajamupalabdhuṁ sumanase
vasantyasmina manye balamathanavāṭīviṭapinām || 43 ||
Oh, Goddess, who is the consort of śiva,
Let the darkness of our mind be destroyed,
By the crowning glory on your head,
Which is like a forest of blossomed blue lotus flowers,
And which is soft, dense and shines with luster.
I believe my mother,
That the pretty flowers of Indra’s garden,
Are all forever there,
To get the natural scent of thine hair.
तनोतु क्षेमं नस्तव वदनसौन्दर्यलहरी
परीवाहस्रोतःसरणिरिव सीमन्तसरणिः ।
वहन्ती सिन्दूरं प्रबलकबरीभारतिमिर
द्विषां बृन्दैर्बन्दीकृतमिव नवीनार्ककिरणम् ॥ ४४ ॥
tanotu kṣemaṁ nastava vadanasaundaryalaharī
parīvāhasrotaḥsaraṇiriva sīmantasaraṇiḥ |
vahantī sindūraṁ prabalakabarībhāratimira
dviṣāṁ bṛndairbandīkṛtamiva navīnārkakiraṇam || 44 ||
Oh mother, let the line parting thine hairs,
Which looks like a canal,
Through which the rushing waves of your beauty ebbs,
And which on both sides imprisons,
Your vermillion, which is like a rising sun
By using your hair which is dark like,
The platoon of soldiers of the enemy,
Protect us and give us peace.
अरालैः स्वाभाव्यादलिकलभसश्रीभिरलकैः
परीतं ते वक्त्रं परिहसति पङ्केरुहरुचिम् ।
दरस्मेरे यस्मिन् दशनरुचिकिञ्जल्करुचिरे
सुगन्धौ माद्यन्ति स्मरदहनचक्षुर्मधुलिहः ॥ ४५ ॥
arālaiḥ svābhāvyādalikalabhasaśrībhiralakaiḥ
parītaṁ te vaktraṁ parihasati paṅkeruharucim |
darasmere yasmin daśanarucikiñjalkarucire
sugandhau mādyanti smaradahanacakṣurmadhulihaḥ || 45 ||
By nature slightly curled,
And shining like the young honey bees
Your golden thread like hairs,
Surround your golden face.
Your face makes fun of the beauty of the lotus.
And adorned with slightly parted smile,
Showing the tiers of your teeth,
Which are like the white tendrils,
And which are sweetly scented.
Bewitches the eyes of the God,
Who burnt the god of love.
ललाटं लावण्यद्युतिविमलमाभाति तव य
द्वितीयं तन्मन्ये मकुटघटितं चन्द्रशकलम् ।
विपर्यासन्यासादुभयमपि संभूय च मिथः
सुधालेपस्यूतिः परिणमति राकाहिमकरः ॥ ४६ ॥
lalāṭaṁ lāvaṇyadyutivimalamābhāti tava ya
dvitīyaṁ tanmanye makuṭaghaṭitaṁ candraśakalam |
viparyāsanyāsādubhayamapi saṁbhūya ca mithaḥ
sudhālepasyūtiḥ pariṇamati rākāhimakaraḥ || 46 ||
I suspect oh, mother,
That your forehead,
Which shines with the beauty of the moon,
Is but an imprisoned half moon,
By your glorious crown,
For if joined opposite
To the inverted half moon in your crown,
It would give out the nectar like luster,
Of the moon on a full moon day.
भ्रुवौ भुग्ने किंचिद्भुवनभयभङ्गव्यसनिनि
त्वदीये नेत्राभ्यां मधुकररुचिभ्यां धृतगुणम् ।
धनुर्मन्ये सव्येतरकरगृहीतं रतिपतेः
प्रकोष्ठे मुष्टौ च स्थगयति निगूढान्तरमुमे ॥ ४७ ॥
bhruvau bhugne kiṁcidbhuvanabhayabhaṅgavyasanini
tvadīye netrābhyāṁ madhukararucibhyāṁ dhṛtaguṇam |
dhanurmanye savyetarakaragṛhītaṁ ratipateḥ
prakoṣṭhe muṣṭau ca sthagayati nigūḍhāntaramume || 47 ||
Oh Goddess Umā,
She who removes fear from the world,
The slightly bent eye brows of yours,
Tied by a hoard of honey bees forming the string,
I feel, resemble the bow of the god of love
Held by his left hand,
And having hidden middle part,
Hid by the wrist, and folded fingers.
अहः सूते सव्यं तव नयनमर्कात्मकतया
त्रियामां वामं ते सृजति रजनीनायकतया ।
तृतीया ते दृष्टिर्दरदलितहेमाम्बुजरुचिः
समाधत्ते संध्यां दिवसनिशयोरन्तरचरीम् ॥ ४८ ॥
ahaḥ sūte savyaṁ tava nayanamarkātmakatayā
triyāmāṁ vāmaṁ te sṛjati rajanīnāyakatayā |
tṛtīyā te dṛṣṭirdaradalitahemāmbujaruciḥ
samādhatte saṁdhyāṁ divasaniśayorantaracarīm || 48 ||
Right eye of yours is like the sun,
And makes the day,
Left eye of yours is like the moon,
And creates the night,
Thine middle eye,
Which is like the golden lotus bud,
Slightly opened in to a flower,
Makes the dawn and the dusk.
विशाला कल्याणी स्फुटरुचिरयोध्या कुवलयैः
कृपाधाराधारा किमपि मधुरा भोगवतिका ।
अवन्ती दृष्टिस्ते बहुनगरविस्तारविजया
ध्रुवं तत्तन्नामव्यवहरणयोग्या विजयते ॥ ४९ ॥
viśālā kalyāṇī sphuṭarucirayodhyā kuvalayaiḥ
kṛpādhārādhārā kimapi madhurā bhogavatikā |
avantī dṛṣṭiste bahunagaravistāravijayā
dhruvaṁ tattannāmavyavaharaṇayogyā vijayate || 49 ||
The look from your eyes, Oh goddess,
Is all pervasive,
Does good to every one,
Sparkles everywhere,
Is a beauty that can never be challenged,
Even by blue lily flowers,
Is the source of rain of mercy,
Is sweetness personified,
Is long and pretty,
Is capable of saving devotees,
Is in the several cities as its victory,
And can be called by several names,
According to which aspect one sees.
कवीनां संदर्भस्तबकमकरन्दैकरसिकं
कटक्षव्याक्षेपभ्रमरकलभौ कर्णयुगलम् ।
अमुञ्चन्तौ दृष्ट्वा तव नवरसास्वादतरला
वसूयासंसर्गादलिकनयनं किंचिदरुणम् ॥ ५० ॥
kavīnāṁ saṁdarbhastabakamakarandaikarasikaṁ
kaṭakṣavyākṣepabhramarakalabhau karṇayugalam |
amuñcantau dṛṣṭvā tava navarasāsvādataralā
vasūyāsaṁsargādalikanayanaṁ kiṁcidaruṇam || 50 ||
Thine two long eyes, Oh goddess,
Are like the two little bees which want to drink the honey,
And extend to the ends ,
With a pretense of side glances,
To thine two ears,
Which are bent upon drinking the honey,
From the flower bunch of poems,
Presented by your devotees,
And make thine third eye light purple,
With jealousy and envy.
शिव शृङ्गारार्द्रा तदितरजने कुत्सनपरा
सरोषा गङ्गायां गिरिशचरिते विस्मयवती ।
हराहिभ्यो भीता सरसिरुहसौभाग्यजयिनी
सखीषु स्मेरा ते मयि जननि दृष्टिः सकरुणा ॥ ५१ ॥
śiva śṛṅgārārdrā taditarajane kutsanaparā
saroṣā gaṅgāyāṁ giriśacarite vismayavatī |
harāhibhyo bhītā sarasiruhasaubhāgyajayinī
sakhīṣu smerā te mayi janani dṛṣṭiḥ sakaruṇā || 51 ||
Mother of all universe,
The look from your eyes,
Is kind and filled with love, when looking at your Lord,
Is filled with hatred at all other men,
Is filled with anger when looking at gaṅgā,
The other wife of your Lord,
Is filled with wonder, when hearing the stories of your Lord,
Is filled with fear, when seeing the snakes worn by your Lord,
Is filled with red colour of valour of the pretty lotus fine,
Is filled with jolliness, when seeing your friends,
And filled with mercy, when seeing me.
गते कर्णाभ्यर्णं गरुत इव पक्ष्माणि दधती
पुरां भेत्तुष्चित्तप्रशमरसविद्रावणफले ।
इमे नेत्रे गोत्राधरपतिकुलोत्तंसकलिके
तवाकर्णाकृष्टस्मरशरविलासं कलयतः ॥ ५२ ॥
gate karṇābhyarṇaṁ garuta iva pakṣmāṇi dadhatī
purāṁ bhettuṣcittapraśamarasavidrāvaṇaphale |
ime netre gotrādharapatikulottaṁsakalike
tavākarṇākṛṣṭasmaraśaravilāsaṁ kalayataḥ || 52 ||
Oh, flower bud,
Who is the head gear ,
Of the king of mountains,
Wearing black eye brows above,
Resembling the feathers of eagle,
And determined to destroy peace,
From the mind of he who destroyed the three cities,
Your two eyes elongated up to thine ears,
Enact the arrows of the God of love.
विभक्तत्रैवर्ण्यं व्यतिकरितलीलाञ्जनतया
विभाति त्वन्नेत्रत्रितयमिदमीशानदयिते ।
पुनः स्रष्टं देवान द्रुहिणहरिरुद्रानुपरतान
रजः सत्त्वं बिभ्रत तम इति गुणानां त्रयमिव ॥ ५३ ॥
vibhaktatraivarṇyaṁ vyatikaritalīlāñjanatayā
vibhāti tvannetratritayamidamīśānadayite |
punaḥ sraṣṭaṁ devāna druhiṇaharirudrānuparatāna
rajaḥ sattvaṁ bibhrata tama iti guṇānāṁ trayamiva || 53 ||
Oh, Darling of God śiva,
Those three eyes of thine,
Coloured in three shades,
By the eye shades you wear,
To enhance thine beauty,
Wear the three qualities,
Of satvam, rajas and tamas,
As if to recreate the holy trinity,
Of Viṣṇu, Brahma and Rudra,
After they become one with you,
During the final deluge.
पवित्रीकर्तुं नः पशुपतिपराधीनहृदये
दयामित्रैर्नेत्रैररुणधवलश्यामरुचिभिः ।
नदः शोणो गङ्गा तपनतनयेति ध्रुवममुं
त्रयाणां तीर्थानामुपनयसि संभेदमनघम् ॥ ५४ ॥
pavitrīkartuṁ naḥ paśupatiparādhīnahṛdaye
dayāmitrairnetrairaruṇadhavalaśyāmarucibhiḥ |
nadaḥ śoṇo gaṅgā tapanatanayeti dhruvamamuṁ
trayāṇāṁ tīrthānāmupanayasi saṁbhedamanagham || 54 ||
She who has a heart owned by Paśupati,
Your eyes which are the companions of mercy,
Coloured red, white and black,
Resemble the holy rivers ,
śoṇabhadra, which is red,
gaṅgā, which is white,
Yamunaā, the daughter of Sun, which is black,
And is the confluence of these holy rivers,
Which remove all sins of the world.
We are certain and sure,
That you made this meet and join,
To make us, who see you, as holy.
निमेषोन्मेषाभ्यां प्रलयमुदयं याति जगती
तवेत्याहुः सन्तो धरणिधरराजन्यतनये ।
त्वदुन्मेषाज्जातं जगदिदमशेषं प्रलयतः
परित्रातुं शङ्के परिहृतनिमेषास्तव दृशः ॥ ५५ ॥
nimeṣonmeṣābhyāṁ pralayamudayaṁ yāti jagatī
tavetyāhuḥ santo dharaṇidhararājanyatanaye |
tvadunmeṣājjātaṁ jagadidamaśeṣaṁ pralayataḥ
paritrātuṁ śaṅke parihṛtanimeṣāstava dṛśaḥ || 55 ||
The learned sages tell,
Oh, daughter of the king of mountain,
That this world of us,
Is created and destroyed,
When you open and shut,
Your soulful eyes.
I believe my mother,
That you never shut your eyes,
So that this world created by you,
Never ever faces deluge.
तवापर्णे कर्णेजपनयनपैशुन्यचकिता
निलीयन्ते तोये नियतमनिमेषाः शफरिकाः ।
इयं च श्रीर्बद्धच्छदपुटकवाटं कुवलयम
जहाति प्रत्यूषे निशि च विघटय्य प्रविशति ॥ ५६ ॥
tavāparṇe karṇejapanayanapaiśunyacakitā
nilīyante toye niyatamanimeṣāḥ śapharikāḥ |
iyaṁ ca śrīrbaddhacchadapuṭakavāṭaṁ kuvalayama
jahāti pratyūṣe niśi ca vighaṭayya praviśati || 56 ||
Oh, She who is begotten to none,
It is for sure,
That the black female fish in the stream,
Are afraid to close their eyes.
Fearing that thine long eyes,
Resembling them all,
Would murmur bad about them,
In your ears to which they are close by.
It is also for sure,
That the Goddess Lakṣmī,
Enters the blooming blue lily flowers,
Before your eyes close at night,
And reenter in the morn when they open.
दृशा द्राघीयस्या दरदलितनीलोत्पलरुचा
दवीयांसं दीनं स्नपय कृपया मामपि शिवे ।
अनेनायं धन्यो भवति न च ते हानिरियता
वने वा हर्म्ये वा समकरनिपातो हिमकरः ॥ ५७ ॥
dṛśā drāghīyasyā daradalitanīlotpalarucā
davīyāṁsaṁ dīnaṁ snapaya kṛpayā māmapi śive |
anenāyaṁ dhanyo bhavati na ca te hāniriyatā
vane vā harmye vā samakaranipāto himakaraḥ || 57 ||
She who is the consort of Lord śiva,
Please bathe me with your merciful look,
From your eyes which are very long,
And have the glitter of slightly opened,
Blue lotus flower divine.
By this look I will become rich with all that is known,
And you do not loose anything whatsoever,
For does not the moon shine alike,
In the forest and palaces great.
अरालं ते पालीयुगलमगराजन्यतनये
न केषामाधत्ते कुसुमशरकोदण्डकुतुकम् ।
तिरश्चीनो यत्र श्रवणपथमुल्लङ्घ्य विलस
न्नपाङ्गव्यासङ्गो दिशति शरसंधानधिषणाम् ॥ ५८ ॥
arālaṁ te pālīyugalamagarājanyatanaye
na keṣāmādhatte kusumaśarakodaṇḍakutukam |
tiraścīno yatra śravaṇapathamullaṅghya vilasa
nnapāṅgavyāsaṅgo diśati śarasaṁdhānadhiṣaṇām || 58 ||
Oh goddess, who is the daughter of king of mountains,
Who will not but believe,
That the two arched ridges between your eyes and ears,
Are the flower bow of the God of Love,?
Side glances of your eyes,
Piercing through these spaces,
Makes one wonder as if the arrows have been ,
Sent through thine ears.
चतुश्चक्रं मन्ये तव मुखमिदं मन्मथरथम् ।
यमारुह्य द्रुह्यत्यवनिरथमर्केन्दुचरणं
महावीरो मारः प्रमथपतये सज्जितवते ॥ ५९ ॥
catuścakraṁ manye tava mukhamidaṁ manmatharatham |
yamāruhya druhyatyavanirathamarkenducaraṇaṁ
mahāvīro māraḥ pramathapataye sajjitavate || 59 ||
I feel that thine face,
With the pair of ear studs,
Reflected in thine two mirror like cheeks.
Is the four-wheeled chariot,
Of the God of love.
Perhaps he thought he can win Lord śiva,
Who was riding in the chariot of earth,
With Sun and moon as wheels,
Because he was riding in this chariot.
सरस्वत्याः सूक्तीरमृतलहरीकौशलहरीः
पिबन्त्याः शर्वाणि श्रवणचुलुकाभ्यामविरलम् ।
चमत्कारश्लाघाचलितशिरसः कुण्डलगणो
झणत्कारैस्तारैः प्रतिवचनमाचष्ट इव ते ॥ ६० ॥
sarasvatyāḥ sūktīramṛtalaharīkauśalaharīḥ
pibantyāḥ śarvāṇi śravaṇaculukābhyāmaviralam |
camatkāraślāghācalitaśirasaḥ kuṇḍalagaṇo
jhaṇatkāraistāraiḥ prativacanamācaṣṭa iva te || 60 ||
Oh Goddess, who is the consort of Lord śiva,
Your sweet voice which resembles,
The continuous waves of nectar,
Fills the ear vessels of Sarasvatī,
Without break,
And she shakes her head hither and thither,
And the sound made by her ear studs,
Appear as if they applaud your words.
असौ नासावंशस्तुहिनगिरिवंशध्वजपटि
त्वदीयो नेदीयः फलतु फलमस्माकमुचितम् ।
वहन्नन्तर्मुक्ताः शिशिरतरनिश्वासगलितं
समृद्ध्या यस्तासां बहिरपि च मुक्तामणिधरः ॥ ६१ ॥
asau nāsāvaṁśastuhinagirivaṁśadhvajapaṭi
tvadīyo nedīyaḥ phalatu phalamasmākamucitam |
vahannantarmuktāḥ śiśirataraniśvāsagalitaṁ
samṛddhyā yastāsāṁ bahirapi ca muktāmaṇidharaḥ || 61 ||
Oh Goddess , who is the flag of the clan of Himalayas,
Let your nose which is like a thin bamboo,
Give us the blessings which are apt and near.
I feel mother,
That you are wearing a rare pearl,
Brought out by your breath,
Through your left nostril,
For your nose is a storehouse,
Of rarest pearls divine.
प्रकृत्यारक्तायास्तव सुदति दन्तच्छदरुचेः
प्रवक्ष्ये सादृश्यं जनयतु फलं विद्रुमलता ।
न बिम्बं त्वद्धिम्बप्रतिफलनरागाद अरुणितं
तुलामध्यारोढुं कथमिव न लज्जेत कलया ॥ ६२ ॥
prakṛtyāraktāyāstava sudati dantacchadaruceḥ
pravakṣye sādṛśyaṁ janayatu phalaṁ vidrumalatā |
na bimbaṁ tvaddhimbapratiphalanarāgāda aruṇitaṁ
tulāmadhyāroḍhuṁ kathamiva na lajjeta kalayā || 62 ||
Oh goddess who has beautiful rows of teeth,
I tried to find a simile to your blood red lips,
And can only imagine the fruit of the coral vine!
The fruits of the red cucurbit,
Hangs its head in shame,
On being compared to your lips,
As it has tried to imitate its colour from you,
And knows that it has failed miserably.
स्मितज्योत्स्नाजालं तव वदनचन्द्रस्य पिबतां
चकोराणामासीदतिरसतया चञ्चुजडिमा ।
अतस्ते शीतांशोरमृतलहरीमम्लरुचयः
पिबन्ति स्वच्छन्दं निशि निशि भृशं काञ्जिकधिया ॥ ६३ ॥
smitajyotsnājālaṁ tava vadanacandrasya pibatāṁ
cakorāṇāmāsīdatirasatayā cañcujaḍimā |
ataste śītāṁśoramṛtalaharīmamlarucayaḥ
pibanti svacchandaṁ niśi niśi bhṛśaṁ kāñjikadhiyā || 63 ||
The cakora birds,
Feel that their tongues have been numbed,
By forever drinking,
The sweet nectar-like light emanating,
From your moon-like face,
And for a change wanted to taste,
The sour rice gruel during the night,
And have started drinking,
The white rays of the full moon in the sky.
अविश्रान्तं पत्युर्गुणगणकथाम्रेडनजपा
जपापुष्पच्छाया तव जननि जिह्वा जयति सा ।
यदग्रासीनायाः स्फटिकदृषदच्छच्छविमयी
सरस्वत्या मूर्तिः परिणमति माणिक्यवपुषा ॥ ६४ ॥
aviśrāntaṁ patyurguṇagaṇakathāmreḍanajapā
japāpuṣpacchāyā tava janani jihvā jayati sā |
yadagrāsīnāyāḥ sphaṭikadṛṣadacchacchavimayī
sarasvatyā mūrtiḥ pariṇamati māṇikyavapuṣā || 64 ||
Mother mine,
The well-known tongue of yours,
Which without rest chants and repeats,
The many goods of your Consort, śiva,
Is red like the hibiscus flower.
The Goddess of learning, Sarasvatī,
Sitting at the tip of your tongue,
Though white and sparkling like a crystal,
Turns red like the ruby,
Because of the colour of your tongue.
रणे जित्वा दैत्यानपहृतशिरस्त्रैः कवचिभिर
निवृत्तैश्चण्डांशत्रिपुरहरनिर्माल्यविमुखैः ।
विशाखेन्द्रोपेन्द्रैः शशिविशदकर्पूरशकला
विलीयन्ते मातस्तव वदनताम्बूलकबलाः ॥ ६५ ॥
raṇe jitvā daityānapahṛtaśirastraiḥ kavacibhira
nivṛttaiścaṇḍāṁśatripuraharanirmālyavimukhaiḥ |
viśākhendropendraiḥ śaśiviśadakarpūraśakalā
vilīyante mātastava vadanatāmbūlakabalāḥ || 65 ||
Oh mother of the world,
The lords Subrahmanya, Viṣṇu and Indra,
Returning and resting after the war with asuras,
Have removed their head gear,
And wearing the iron jackets,
Are not interested in the left over,
After the worship of śiva,
Which belongs to Caṇdikeśvara,
And are swallowing with zest,
The half-chewed betel,
From your holy mouth,
Which has the camphor as white as the moon.
विपञ्च्या गायन्ती विविधमपदानं पशुपतेः
त्वयारब्धे वक्तुं चलितशिरसा साधुवचने ।
निजां वीणां वाणी निचुलयति चोलेन निभृतम् ॥ ६६ ॥
vipañcyā gāyantī vividhamapadānaṁ paśupateḥ
tvayārabdhe vaktuṁ calitaśirasā sādhuvacane |
nijāṁ vīṇāṁ vāṇī niculayati colena nibhṛtam || 66 ||
Oh mother of all,
When you start nodding your head,
Muttering sweetly, "good, good",
To the Goddess Sarasvatī,
When she sings the great stories to you,
Of Paśupati, our lord,
With the accompaniment of her vīṇa,
She mutes the vīṇa by the covering cloth,
So that the strings throwing sweetest music,
Are not put to shame,
By your voice full of sweetness.
कराग्रेण स्पृष्टं तुहिनगिरिणा वत्सलतया
गिरीशेनोदस्तं मुहुरधरपानाकुलतया ।
करग्राह्यं शम्भोर्मुखमुकुरवृन्तं गिरिसुते
कथङ्कारं ब्रूमस्तव चिबुकमौपम्यरहितम् ॥ ६७ ॥
karāgreṇa spṛṣṭaṁ tuhinagiriṇā vatsalatayā
girīśenodastaṁ muhuradharapānākulatayā |
karagrāhyaṁ śambhormukhamukuravṛntaṁ girisute
kathaṅkāraṁ brūmastava cibukamaupamyarahitam || 67 ||
Oh daughter of the mountain,
How can we describe the beauty of your chin,
Which was with affection caressed,
By the tip of the fingers by your father Himavān,
Which was oft lifted by the Lord of the mountain, śiva,
In a hurry to drink deeply from your lips,
Which was so fit to be touched by his fingers,
Which did not have anything comparable,
And which is the handle of the mirror of your face.
भुजाश्लेषान नित्यं पुरदमयितुः कण्टकवती
तव ग्रीवा धत्ते मुखकमलनालश्रियमियम् ।
स्वतः श्वेता कालागरुबहुलजम्बालमलिना
मृणालीलालित्यम वहति यदधो हारलतिका ॥ ६८ ॥
bhujāśleṣāna nityaṁ puradamayituḥ kaṇṭakavatī
tava grīvā dhatte mukhakamalanālaśriyamiyam |
svataḥ śvetā kālāgarubahulajambālamalinā
mṛṇālīlālityama vahati yadadho hāralatikā || 68 ||
Your neck appears full of thorns always,
Due to the hairs standing out,
By the frequent embrace of thy Lord,
Who destroyed the three cities.
And looks like the beauty of the stalk,
Of your lotus like face.
The chain of white pearls worn below,
Is dulled by the incense and myrrh,
And the paste of sandal applied there,
And is like the tender stalk,
Dirtied by the bed of mud.
गले रेखास्तिस्रो गतिगमकगीतैकनिपुणे
विवाहव्यानद्धप्रगुणगुणसंख्याप्रतिभुवः ।
विराजन्ते नानाविधमधुररागाकरभुवां
त्रयाणां ग्रामाणां स्थितिनियमसीमान इव ते ॥ ६९ ॥
gale rekhāstisro gatigamakagītaikanipuṇe
vivāhavyānaddhapraguṇaguṇasaṁkhyāpratibhuvaḥ |
virājante nānāvidhamadhurarāgākarabhuvāṁ
trayāṇāṁ grāmāṇāṁ sthitiniyamasīmāna iva te || 69 ||
She who is an expert in gati, gamaka, and gīta,
The three lucky lines on your neck,
Perhaps remind one,
Of the number of the well-tied manifold thread,
Tied during your marriage,
And also remind of the place,
In your pretty neck,
Where originates the three musical notes,
Of Shadja, Madhyama and Gandhara.
मृणालीमृद्वीनां तव भुजलतानां चतसृणां
चतुर्भिः सौन्दर्यं सरसिजभवः स्तौति वदनैः ।
नखेभ्यः संत्रस्यन प्रथममथनादन्धकरिपो
श्चतुर्णां शीर्षाणां सममभयहस्तार्पणधिया ॥ ७० ॥
mṛṇālīmṛdvīnāṁ tava bhujalatānāṁ catasṛṇāṁ
caturbhiḥ saundaryaṁ sarasijabhavaḥ stauti vadanaiḥ |
nakhebhyaḥ saṁtrasyana prathamamathanādandhakaripo
ścaturṇāṁ śīrṣāṇāṁ samamabhayahastārpaṇadhiyā || 70 ||
Brahma, the God born out of Lotus,
Afraid of the nails Of śiva,
Who killed the asura called Andhaka,
Which had clipped off one of his heads,
Praises with his four faces,
Your four pretty, tender hands,
Resembling the lotus flower stalk,
So that he can ask for protection for his remaining four heads,
By use of your four merciful hands at the same time.
नखानामुद्द्योतैर्नवनलिनरागं विहसतां
कराणां ते कान्तिं कथय कथयामः कथमुमे ।
कयाचिद्वा साम्यं भजतु कलया हन्त कमलं
यदि क्रीडल्लक्ष्मीचरणतललाक्षारुणदलम् ॥ ७१ ॥
nakhānāmuddyotairnavanalinarāgaṁ vihasatāṁ
karāṇāṁ te kāntiṁ kathaya kathayāmaḥ kathamume |
kayācidvā sāmyaṁ bhajatu kalayā hanta kamalaṁ
yadi krīḍallakṣmīcaraṇatalalākṣāruṇadalam || 71 ||
Oh Goddess Umā,
You only tell us,
How we can describe,
The shining of your hands,
By the light of your nails,
Which tease the redness of freshly opened lotus?
Perhaps if the red lotus mixes,
With the liquid lac adorning,
The feet of Lakṣmī,
Some resemblance can be seen.
समं देवि स्कन्दद्विपवदनपीतं स्तनयुगं
तवेदं नः खेदं हरतु सततं प्रस्नुतमुखम् ।
यदालोक्याशङ्काकुलितहृदयो हासजनकः
स्वकुम्भौ हेरम्बः परिमृशति हस्तेन झटिति ॥ ७२ ॥
samaṁ devi skandadvipavadanapītaṁ stanayugaṁ
tavedaṁ naḥ khedaṁ haratu satataṁ prasnutamukham |
yadālokyāśaṅkākulitahṛdayo hāsajanakaḥ
svakumbhau herambaḥ parimṛśati hastena jhaṭiti || 72 ||
Our Goddess Devi,
Let your two cool breasts,
Which have faces that always,
Give out milk,
And are simultaneously drunk deeply,
By Skanda and the elepahant-faced Gaṇeśa,
Destroy all our sorrows.
Seeing them and getting confused,
Herambha feels for his two frontal lobes (on the fore-head of his elephant-head),
To see whether they are there,
Making you both laugh.
अमू ते वक्षोजावमृतरसमाणिक्यकुतुपौ
न संदेहस्पन्दो नगपतिपताके मनसि नः ।
पिबन्तौ तौ यस्मादविदितवधूसङ्गरसिकौ
कुमारावद्यापि द्विरदवदनक्रौञ्चदलनौ ॥ ७३ ॥
amū te vakṣojāvamṛtarasamāṇikyakutupau
na saṁdehaspando nagapatipatāke manasi naḥ |
pibantau tau yasmādaviditavadhūsaṅgarasikau
kumārāvadyāpi dviradavadanakrauñcadalanau || 73 ||
Oh, Victory flag of the king of mountains,
We never have any doubt in our mind,
That your two breasts divine,
Are the nectar-filled pot made of rubies,
For the elephant-faced one,
And he who killed krauñcāsura,
Even today do not know the pleasure of women,
And remain as young children.
वहत्यम्ब स्तम्बेरमदनुजकुम्भप्रकृतिभिः
समारब्धां मुक्तामणिभिरमलां हारलतिकाम् ।
कुचाभोगो बिम्बाधररुचिभिरन्तः शबलितां
प्रतापव्यामिश्रां पुरदमयितुः कीर्तिमिव ते ॥ ७४ ॥
vahatyamba stamberamadanujakumbhaprakṛtibhiḥ
samārabdhāṁ muktāmaṇibhiramalāṁ hāralatikām |
kucābhogo bimbādhararucibhirantaḥ śabalitāṁ
pratāpavyāmiśrāṁ puradamayituḥ kīrtimiva te || 74 ||
Oh mother mine,
The center place of your holy breasts,
Wear the glittering chain ,
Made out of the pearls,
Recovered from inside the head of Gajāsura,
And reflect the redness of your lips,
Resembling the bimbā fruits,
And are coloured red inside.
You wear the chain with fame,
Like you wear the fame of our Lord,
Who destroyed the three cities.
तव स्तन्यं मन्ये धरणिधरकन्ये हृदयतः
पयःपारावारः परिवहति सारस्वत इव ।
दयावत्या दत्तं द्रविडशिशुरास्वाद्य तव यत
कवीनां प्रौढानामजनि कमनियः कवयिता ॥ ७५ ॥
tava stanyaṁ manye dharaṇidharakanye hṛdayataḥ
payaḥpārāvāraḥ parivahati sārasvata iva |
dayāvatyā dattaṁ draviḍaśiśurāsvādya tava yata
kavīnāṁ prauḍhānāmajani kamaniyaḥ kavayitā || 75 ||
Oh daughter of the king of mountains,
I feel in my mind,
That the milk that flows from your breast,
Is really the goddess of learning, Sarasvatī,
In the form of a tidal wave of nectar.
For, milk given by you, who is full of mercy,
Made the child of draviḍa,
The king among those great poets,
Whose works stole one’s mind.
हरक्रोधज्वालवलिभिरवलीढेन वपुषा
गभीरे ते नाभीसरसि कृतसङ्गो मनसिजः ।
समुत्तेस्थौ तस्मादचलतनये धूमलतिका
जनस्तां जानीते तव जननि रोमावलिरिति ॥ ७६ ॥
harakrodhajvālavalibhiravalīḍhena vapuṣā
gabhīre te nābhīsarasi kṛtasaṅgo manasijaḥ |
samuttesthau tasmādacalatanaye dhūmalatikā
janastāṁ jānīte tava janani romāvaliriti || 76 ||
Oh daughter of the mountain,
The God of love who is the king of the mind,
Being lit by the flame of anger of śiva,
Immersed himself in the deep pond of thine navel.
The tendril like smoke emanated from there,
And mother, people think,
That this is the line of hair,
That climbs from your navel upwards.
यदेतत कालिन्दीतनुतरतरङ्गाकृति शिवे
कृशे मध्ये किंचिज्जननि तव तद्भाति सुधियाम् ।
विमर्दादन्योऽन्यं कुचकलशयोरन्तरगतं
तनूभूतं व्योम प्रविशदिव नाभिं कुहरिणीम् ॥ ७७ ॥
yadetata kālindītanutarataraṅgākṛti śive
kṛśe madhye kiṁcijjanani tava tadbhāti sudhiyām |
vimardādanyo'nyaṁ kucakalaśayorantaragataṁ
tanūbhūtaṁ vyoma praviśadiva nābhiṁ kuhariṇīm || 77 ||
The mother of universe who is śiva and śakti,
In the narrow part of the middle of your body.
The learned men seem to see a line,
Which is in the shape of a small wave of the river Yamuna,
And which shines and glitters, and appears like the sky ,
Made very thin by thine dense colliding breasts,
Entering your cave like navel.
स्थिरो गङ्गावर्तः स्तनमुकुलरोमावलिलता
निजावालं कुण्डं कुसुमशरतेजोहुतभुजः ।
रतेर्लीलागारं किमपि तव नाभिर्गिरिसुते
बिलद्वारं सिद्धेर्गिरिशनयनानां विजयते ॥ ७८ ॥
sthiro gaṅgāvartaḥ stanamukularomāvalilatā
nijāvālaṁ kuṇḍaṁ kusumaśaratejohutabhujaḥ |
raterlīlāgāraṁ kimapi tava nābhirgirisute
biladvāraṁ siddhergiriśanayanānāṁ vijayate || 78 ||
Oh daughter of the mountain,
Is your navel a whirl pool in river Gaṅgā,
Which looks very stable!
Or is it the root of the climber,
Of the stream of your hair line,
Which has two breasts of yours as buds,
Or is it the Homa fire,
Where the fire is the light from cupid,
Or is it the play house of Rathi, the wife of God of love,
Or is it the opening to the cave,
In which śiva’s tapas gets fulfilled,
I am not able to make up my mind!
निसर्गक्षीणस्य स्तनतटभरेण क्लमजुषो
नमन्मूर्तेर्नारीतिलक शनैस्त्रुट्यत इव ।
चिरं ते मध्यस्य त्रुटिततटिनीतीरतरुणा
समावस्थास्थेम्नो भवतु कुशलं शैलतनये ॥ ७९ ॥
nisargakṣīṇasya stanataṭabhareṇa klamajuṣo
namanmūrternārītilaka śanaistruṭyata iva |
ciraṁ te madhyasya truṭitataṭinītīrataruṇā
samāvasthāsthemno bhavatu kuśalaṁ śailatanaye || 79 ||
Oh daughter of the mountain,
You who is the greatest among women,
Long live your pretty hips,
Which look fragile,
Which are by nature tiny,
Which are strained by your heavy breasts,
And hence slightly bent,
And which look like the tree,
In the eroded banks of a rushing river.
कुचौ सद्यःस्विद्यत्तटघटितकूर्पासभिदुरौ
कषन्तौ दोर्मूले कनककलशाभौ कलयता ।
तव त्रातुं भङ्गादलमिति वलग्नं तनुभुवा
त्रिधा नद्धं देवि त्रिवलि लवलीवल्लिभिरिव ॥ ८० ॥
kucau sadyaḥsvidyattaṭaghaṭitakūrpāsabhidurau
kaṣantau dormūle kanakakalaśābhau kalayatā |
tava trātuṁ bhaṅgādalamiti valagnaṁ tanubhuvā
tridhā naddhaṁ devi trivali lavalīvallibhiriva || 80 ||
Oh Goddess mine,
Placed just below your shoulders,
By Cupid, the God of love,
Tearing your blouse which is attached ,
To your body by the sweat,
When you think of the greatness of your Lord,
And resembling pots of gold,
Your breasts appear to be tied by him,
Securely three times,
By the three creeper like folds.
गुरुत्वं विस्तारं क्षितिधरपतिः पार्वति निजा
न्नितम्बादाच्छिद्य त्वयि हरणरूपेण निदधे ।
अतस्ते विस्तीर्णो गुरुरयमशेषां वसुमतीं
नितम्बप्राग्भारः स्थगयति लघुत्वं नयति च ॥ ८१ ॥
gurutvaṁ vistāraṁ kṣitidharapatiḥ pārvati nijā
nnitambādācchidya tvayi haraṇarūpeṇa nidadhe |
ataste vistīrṇo gururayamaśeṣāṁ vasumatīṁ
nitambaprāgbhāraḥ sthagayati laghutvaṁ nayati ca || 81 ||
Oh, daughter of the mountain,
Perhaps Himavān, the king of mountains,
Gave readily as dowry to you,
The density and breadth from his bottom,
So that your behinds are broad and dense.
And therefore they both hide all the world,
And make the world light.
करीन्द्राणां शुण्डाः कनककदलीकाण्डपटलीम
उभाभ्यामूरुभ्यामुभयमपि निर्जित्य भवती ।
सुवृत्ताभ्यां पत्युः प्रणतिकठिनाभ्यां गिरिसुते
विजिग्ये जानुभ्यां विबुधकरिकुम्भद्वयमसि ॥ ८२ ॥
karīndrāṇāṁ śuṇḍāḥ kanakakadalīkāṇḍapaṭalīma
ubhābhyāmūrubhyāmubhayamapi nirjitya bhavatī |
suvṛttābhyāṁ patyuḥ praṇatikaṭhinābhyāṁ girisute
vijigye jānubhyāṁ vibudhakarikumbhadvayamasi || 82 ||
Oh daughter of the mountain,
Who knows the rules of the Vedas,
Using your two thighs,
You have achieved victory over,
The trunks of the elephant,
And the golden pseudo stem of group of banana plants,
And achieved victory over the frontal lobes,
Of Irāvatha, the divine elephant,
By your holy round knees,
Which have become hard,
By repeated prostrations to your lord.
पराजेतुं रुद्रं द्विहुणशरगर्भौ गिरिसुते
निषङ्गौ जङ्घे ते विषमविशिखो बाढमकृत ।
यदग्रे दृश्यन्ते दश शरफलाः पादयुगली
नखाग्रच्छद्मानः सुरमुकुटशाणैकनिशिताः ॥ ८३ ॥
parājetuṁ rudraṁ dvihuṇaśaragarbhau girisute
niṣaṅgau jaṅghe te viṣamaviśikho bāḍhamakṛta |
yadagre dṛśyante daśa śaraphalāḥ pādayugalī
nakhāgracchadmānaḥ suramukuṭaśāṇaikaniśitāḥ || 83 ||
Oh daughter of the mountain,
The five-arrowed cupid,
To win, Rudra your lord,
Has made your legs,
In to an arrow case,
With ten arrows.
In the end of the case,
Are your two feet,
Studded with ten of your so called nails,
Which are the ten steel-tipped arrows,
Sharpened on the crowns of Devas.
श्रुतीनां मूर्धानो दधति तव यौ शेखरतया
ममाप्येतौ मातः शिरसि दयया धेहि चरणौ ।
ययोः पाद्मं पाथः पशुपतिजटाजूटतटिनी
ययोर्लाक्षालक्ष्मीररुणहरिचूडामणिरुचिः ॥ ८४ ॥
śrutīnāṁ mūrdhāno dadhati tava yau śekharatayā
mamāpyetau mātaḥ śirasi dayayā dhehi caraṇau |
yayoḥ pādmaṁ pāthaḥ paśupatijaṭājūṭataṭinī
yayorlākṣālakṣmīraruṇaharicūḍāmaṇiruciḥ || 84 ||
Oh mother mine,
Be pleased to place your two feet ,
Which are the ornaments of the head of Upanishads,
The water which washes them are the river gaṅgā,
Flowing from śiva's head,
And the lac paint adorning which,
Have the red luster of the crown of Viṣṇu,
On my head with mercy.
नमोवाकं ब्रूमो नयनरमणीयाय पदयो
स्तवास्मै द्वन्द्वाय स्फुटरुचिरसालक्तकवते ।
असूयत्यत्यन्तं यदभिहननाय स्पृहयते
पशूनामीशानः प्रमदवनकङ्केलितरवे ॥ ८५ ॥
namovākaṁ brūmo nayanaramaṇīyāya padayo
stavāsmai dvandvāya sphuṭarucirasālaktakavate |
asūyatyatyantaṁ yadabhihananāya spṛhayate
paśūnāmīśānaḥ pramadavanakaṅkelitarave || 85 ||
We offer our salutations,
To your two sparkling feet.
Which are most beautiful to the eyes,
And painted by the juice of red cotton.
We also know well ,
That God of all animals, your consort,
Is very jealous of the aśoka trees in the garden ,
Which yearn for kick by your feet.
मृषा कृत्वा गोत्रस्खलनमथ वैलक्ष्यनमितं
ललाटे भर्तारं चरणकमले ताडयति ते ।
चिरादन्तःशल्यं दहनकृतमुन्मूलितवता
तुलाकोटिक्वाणैः किलिकिलितमीशानरिपुणा ॥ ८६ ॥
mṛṣā kṛtvā gotraskhalanamatha vailakṣyanamitaṁ
lalāṭe bhartāraṁ caraṇakamale tāḍayati te |
cirādantaḥśalyaṁ dahanakṛtamunmūlitavatā
tulākoṭikvāṇaiḥ kilikilitamīśānaripuṇā || 86 ||
In a playful mood,after teasing you,
About you and your family,
And at a loss to control your love tiff,
When your consort does prostrations,
Your lotus like feet touches his forehead,
And the God of love, the enemy of your Lord, who was burnt,
By the fire from his third eye,
And was keeping the enmity with your lord,
Like the ever hurting arrow,
Makes sounds like Kili Kili,
From your belled anklets on the legs.
हिमानीहन्तव्यं हिमगिरिनिवासैकचतुरौ
निशायां निद्राणां निशि च परभागे च विशदौ ।
परं लक्ष्मीपात्रं श्रियमतिसृजन्तौ समयिनां
सरोजं त्वत्पादौ जननि जयतश्चित्रमिह किम् ॥ ८७ ॥
himānīhantavyaṁ himagirinivāsaikacaturau
niśāyāṁ nidrāṇāṁ niśi ca parabhāge ca viśadau |
paraṁ lakṣmīpātraṁ śriyamatisṛjantau samayināṁ
sarojaṁ tvatpādau janani jayataścitramiha kim || 87 ||
Oh mother mine,
The lotus flower rots in snow,
But your feet are experts in being in snow,
The lotus flower sleeps at night,
But your feet are wakeful night and after night,
The lotus makes the goddess of wealth Lakṣmī live in it,
But your feet give Lakṣmī to their devotees,
And so your two feet always win over the lotus,
What is so surprising in this?
पदं ते कीर्तीनां प्रपदमपदं देवि विपदां
कथं नीतं सद्भिः कठिनकमठीकर्परतुलाम् ।
कथं वा बाहुभ्यामुपयमनकाले पुरभिदा
यदादाय न्यस्तं दृषदि दयमानेन मनसा ॥ ८८ ॥
padaṁ te kīrtīnāṁ prapadamapadaṁ devi vipadāṁ
kathaṁ nītaṁ sadbhiḥ kaṭhinakamaṭhīkarparatulām |
kathaṁ vā bāhubhyāmupayamanakāle purabhidā
yadādāya nyastaṁ dṛṣadi dayamānena manasā || 88 ||
Oh, Goddess Devi,
How did the poets compare,
The foreside of your merciful feet,
Which are the source of fame to your devotees,
And which are not the source of danger to them ,
To the hard shell of tortoise,
I do not understand.
How did he who destroyed the three cities,
Take them in his hand,
And place them on hard rock,
During your marriage?
नखैर्नाकस्त्रीणां करकमलसंकोचशशिभि
स्तरूणां दिव्यानां हसत इव ते चण्डि चरणौ ।
फलानि स्वःस्थेस्यः किसलयकराग्रेण ददतां
दरिद्रेभ्यो भद्रां श्रियमनिशम्ह्नाय ददतौ ॥ ८९ ॥
nakhairnākastrīṇāṁ karakamalasaṁkocaśaśibhi
starūṇāṁ divyānāṁ hasata iva te caṇḍi caraṇau |
phalāni svaḥsthesyaḥ kisalayakarāgreṇa dadatāṁ
daridrebhyo bhadrāṁ śriyamaniśamhnāya dadatau || 89 ||
Your moon like nails,
Oh mother who killed caṇḍa,
Which makes the celestial maidens,
Fold their hands in shame,
Forever tease your two feet,
Which unlike the holy trees in heaven,
(Which by their leaf bud like hands,
Give all they wish to the Gods,)
Give the poor people wealth and happiness,
Always and fast.
ददाने दीनेभ्यः श्रियमनिशमाशानुसदृशी
ममन्दं सौन्दर्यप्रकरमकरन्दं विकिरति ।
तवास्मिन् मन्दारस्तबकसुभगे यातु चरणे
मिनज्जन मज्जीवः करणचरणः षट्चरणताम् ॥ ९० ॥
dadāne dīnebhyaḥ śriyamaniśamāśānusadṛśī
mamandaṁ saundaryaprakaramakarandaṁ vikirati |
tavāsmin mandārastabakasubhage yātu caraṇe
minajjana majjīvaḥ karaṇacaraṇaḥ ṣaṭcaraṇatām || 90 ||
My soul with six organs,
Is similar to the six legged honey bees,
Which dip at your holy feet,
Which are as pretty,
As the flower bunch,
Of the Celestial tree,
Which always grant wealth to the poor,
Whenever they wish,
And which without break showers floral honey.
स्खलन्तस्ते खेलं भवनकलहंसा न जहति ।
स्वविक्षेपे शिक्षां सुभगमणिमञ्जीररणित
च्छलादाचक्षाणं चरणकमलं चारुचरिते ॥ ९१ ॥
skhalantaste khelaṁ bhavanakalahaṁsā na jahati |
svavikṣepe śikṣāṁ subhagamaṇimañjīraraṇita
cchalādācakṣāṇaṁ caraṇakamalaṁ cārucarite || 91 ||
She who has a holy life,
The swans in your house,
Follow you without break,
As if to learn ,
Your gait which is like a celestial play.
So thine lotus-like feet,
Taking recourse to the musical sound,
Produced by gems in your anklets,
Appears to teach them what they want.
गतास्ते मञ्चत्वं द्रुहिणहरिरुद्रेश्वरभृतः
शिवः स्वच्छच्छायाघटितकपटप्रच्छदपटः ।
त्वदीयानां भासां प्रतिफलनरागारुणतया
शरीरी शृङ्गारो रस इव दृशां दोग्धी कुतुकम् ॥ ९२ ॥
gatāste mañcatvaṁ druhiṇaharirudreśvarabhṛtaḥ
śivaḥ svacchacchāyāghaṭitakapaṭapracchadapaṭaḥ |
tvadīyānāṁ bhāsāṁ pratiphalanarāgāruṇatayā
śarīrī śṛṅgāro rasa iva dṛśāṁ dogdhī kutukam || 92 ||
Brahma, Viṣṇu, Rudra and īśvara,
Who are the gods who rule the world,
Become the four legs of your cot,
So that they are able to serve you always.
Sadāśiva, who is white in colour,
Becomes the bed spread on which you sleep,
And appears red, because he reflects your colour,
And to your eyes which are the personification,
Of the feelings of love,
He gives lot of happiness.
अराला केशेषु प्रकृतिसरला मन्दहसिते
शिरीषाभा चित्ते दृषदुपलशोभा कुचतटे ।
भृशं तन्वी मध्ये पृथुरसिजारोहविषये
जगत्त्रातुं शम्भोर्जयति करुणा काचिदरुणा ॥ ९३ ॥
arālā keśeṣu prakṛtisaralā mandahasite
śirīṣābhā citte dṛṣadupalaśobhā kucataṭe |
bhṛśaṁ tanvī madhye pṛthurasijārohaviṣaye
jagattrātuṁ śambhorjayati karuṇā kācidaruṇā || 93 ||
Her mercy which is beyond,
The mind and words of Our Lord śiva,
Is forever victorious in the form of aruṇā,
So as to save this world.
That spirit of mercy is in the form of,
Curves in her hairs,
In the form of natural sweetness in her smile.
In the form of pretty tenderness of a flower in her mind,
In the form of firmness of a ruby stone in her breasts,
In the form of thin seductiveness in her hips,
In the form of voluptuousness in her breasts and back.
कलङ्कः कस्तूरी रजनिकरबिम्बं जलमयं
कलाभिः कर्पूरैर्मरकतकरण्डं निबिडितम् ।
अतस्त्वद्भोगेन प्रतिदिनमिदं रिक्तकुहरं
विधिर्भूयो भूयो निबिडयति नूनं तव कृते ॥ ९४ ॥
kalaṅkaḥ kastūrī rajanikarabimbaṁ jalamayaṁ
kalābhiḥ karpūrairmarakatakaraṇḍaṁ nibiḍitam |
atastvadbhogena pratidinamidaṁ riktakuharaṁ
vidhirbhūyo bhūyo nibiḍayati nūnaṁ tava kṛte || 94 ||
The moon that we know is thine jewel box,
Filled with water of incense,
The blackness we see in the moon,
The musk put for thy use in this box,
And the crescents we see of the moon
Is thy canister of emerald,
Full of divine camphor.
And for sure,
Brahma the creator refills these daily,
After your use,
So that they are always full.
पुरारातेरन्तःपुरमसि ततस्त्वच्चरणयोः
सपर्यामर्यादा तरलकरणानामसुलभा ।
तथा ह्येते नीताः शतमखमुखः सिद्धिमतुलां
तव द्वारोपान्तस्थितिभिरणिमाद्याभिरमराः ॥ ९५ ॥
purārāterantaḥpuramasi tatastvaccaraṇayoḥ
saparyāmaryādā taralakaraṇānāmasulabhā |
tathā hyete nītāḥ śatamakhamukhaḥ siddhimatulāṁ
tava dvāropāntasthitibhiraṇimādyābhiramarāḥ || 95 ||
You are Leading light of the home of Lord śiva,
Who destroyed the three cities,
And so coming near you and worshipping at thine feet,
Are not for those with weak mind.,
Who do not have control of their senses.
And that is why perhaps,
Indra and other Gods,
Stay outside your gates,
And attain your sweet self,
By practice of siddhis like aṇimā.
कलत्रं वैधात्रं कति कति भन्ते न कवयः
श्रियो देव्याः को वा न भवति पतिः कैरपि धनैः ।
महादेवं हित्वा तव सति सतीनामचरमे
कुचाभ्यामासङ्गः कुरवकतरोरप्यसुलभः ॥ ९६ ॥
kalatraṁ vaidhātraṁ kati kati bhante na kavayaḥ
śriyo devyāḥ ko vā na bhavati patiḥ kairapi dhanaiḥ |
mahādevaṁ hitvā tava sati satīnāmacarame
kucābhyāmāsaṅgaḥ kuravakatarorapyasulabhaḥ || 96 ||
Many poets reach the Goddess of learning,
The wife of the creator,
By composing soulful poems.
Many who search and attain riches,
Are termed as the Lord of the Goddess of wealth.
Oh, first among chaste woman,
Except Lord śiva your consort.
Your breasts have not even touched,
The holy henna tree.
गिरामाहुर्देवीं द्रुहिणगृहिणीमागमविदो
हरेः पत्नीं पद्मां हरसहचारीमद्रितनयाम् ।
तुरीया कापि त्वं दुरधिगमनिःसीममहिमा
महामाया विश्वं भ्रमयसि परब्रह्ममहिषि ॥ ९७ ॥
girāmāhurdevīṁ druhiṇagṛhiṇīmāgamavido
hareḥ patnīṁ padmāṁ harasahacārīmadritanayām |
turīyā kāpi tvaṁ duradhigamaniḥsīmamahimā
mahāmāyā viśvaṁ bhramayasi parabrahmamahiṣi || 97 ||
Oh, Parāśakthi who is one with Parabrahma,
Though those who have learned Vedas,
Call you as Brahma’s wife Sarasvatī,
Or call you as Viṣṇu's wife Lakṣmī,
Or call you as śiva's wife Pārvatī,
You are the fourth called Mahā-Māya,
Who gives life to the world,
And have attained all that is to attain.
कदा काले मातः कथय कलितालक्तकरसं
पिबेयं विद्यार्थी तव चरणनिर्णेजनजलम् ।
प्रकृत्या मूकानामपि च कविताकारणतया
यदाधत्ते वानीमुखकमलताम्बूलरसताम् ॥ ९८ ॥
kadā kāle mātaḥ kathaya kalitālaktakarasaṁ
pibeyaṁ vidyārthī tava caraṇanirṇejanajalam |
prakṛtyā mūkānāmapi ca kavitākāraṇatayā
yadādhatte vānīmukhakamalatāmbūlarasatām || 98 ||
Oh, mother mine,
When shall I, who begs for knowledge
Be able to drink, the nectar like water,
Flowing from your feet,
Mixed with reddish lac applied there?
When shall that water attain,
The goodness of saliva mixed with tāmbūla,
From the mouth of goddess of learning,
Which made one born as mute,
Into the king of poets?
सरस्वत्या लक्ष्म्या विधिहरिसपत्नो विहरते
रतेः पातिव्रत्यं शिथिलयति रम्येण वपुषा ।
चिरं जीवन्नेव क्षपितपशुपाशव्यतिकरः
परानन्दाभिख्यं रसयति रसं त्वद्भजनवान ॥ ९९ ॥
sarasvatyā lakṣmyā vidhiharisapatno viharate
rateḥ pātivratyaṁ śithilayati ramyeṇa vapuṣā |
ciraṁ jīvanneva kṣapitapaśupāśavyatikaraḥ
parānandābhikhyaṁ rasayati rasaṁ tvadbhajanavāna || 99 ||
Those who worship thee, oh mother,
Are so learned and so rich,
That even Brahma and Viṣṇu,
Are jealous of them
They are so handsome,
That even the wife of Cupid, Rati,
Yearns for them.
He unbound from the ties of this birth,
Always enjoys ecstasic happiness,
And lives for ever.
सुधासूतेश्चन्द्रोपलजललवैरर्घ्यरचना ।
स्वकीयैरम्भोभिः सलिलनिधिसौहित्यकरणं
त्वदीयाभिर्वाग्भिस्तव जननि वाचां स्तुतिरियम् ॥ १०० ॥
sudhāsūteścandropalajalalavairarghyaracanā |
svakīyairambhobhiḥ salilanidhisauhityakaraṇaṁ
tvadīyābhirvāgbhistava janani vācāṁ stutiriyam || 100 ||
Oh Goddess, who is the source of all words,
This poem which is made of words,
That you only made,
Is like showing the camphor lamp to the Sun,
Is like offering as oblation to the moon,
The water got from the moon stone,
And is like offering water worship,
To the sea.
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